Black D.O.G. seeds

Johnny Lawrence

Well-Known Member
Was interested in this strain. In all my years of growing, I've never actually purchased from a seed bank. Was wondering if anybody had a good name or link to a reputable seed company that has it. If this post generates few responses, I'll just post the banks I've found it at so far to hopefully see if they're reputable or not.

Also, if anybody can recommend any strains(hopefully w/ links to get them) that lean more towards the purple side of things. I've had a few over the years, but would like to get my hands on another solid one if possible.

And for details - I do indoor ebb & flow. Looking for a non-lanky strain with a short flowering time that is a halfway decent producer.

Thanks in advance to anybody that can help me with this. Peace, guys. Enjoy your Sunday.
I got mine from hemp depot couple years ago. They are in canada and at the time I just sent in money and waited 4 weeks for seeds to show up. Not sure if they modernized at all.

I've done a few crosses with the b dog and it breeds well. Solid blackberry terps to be found.