Black curled pistols??? anyone seen this?

this is my second grow and there There are black pistols coming out of my sour d and bubble gum. I ran into this on a white russian strain last harvest and i have never seen it on any other grow. Please let me know what the deal is. Oh the light is 20" away and not heat issues. And some buds on the plant are normal. here is a close up.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
Shit i hope not! Maybe a foliar feed issue? Sprayed them 4 hours be for lights came on and maybe the pistols had moisture...
you shoyudl never foliar feed after week 2 of 12/12, you can cause budrot and mold like that, espeacialy at night
but thats prolly yur prob


Active Member
Possibly, I was looking more at the leaves. Brown spots and burnt tips. That could either be heat stress, water stress, or nute burn. Possibly a few other issues, but I can't think of anything else that would look like that
So i think i figured it out guys... I turned my hi-flow circulation fan off last night and left on the regular one and tonight when the lights came on the pistols looks totally back to normal! Thanks for the input.