Black Couple denied marriage at white church

pabst is an old favorite. fishin down at the lake, with my grandpappy, and a sixer of pabst chilling in the water.

My god
Milwaukees best?
Olde milwaukee

I am surprised you didnt mention

For being beer country
We sure made some really shitty beer
I once walked across the street in Canton, Ohio at a crosswalk. People hit their electric door locks when I went by. They must be racists.

Im talking about doing 55 mph and my grandmother locking the doors becuase a black guy is next to us
Then proclaiming we are going thru mao mao land

That is pretty racist
My grandmother knows the ethinicity ( she thinks ) of everyone on TV
and will bring it up in conversation
those are all nectar compared to Rheingold ... or IC Lite. All hail the Chug-a-Mug! cn

Never encountered it. Rheingold and IC Lite are the two worst beers I've encountered, and oddly both had their passionate fans. It's almost like "someone has to stick up for this swill ... so why not me?" cn
Im talking about doing 55 mph and my grandmother locking the doors becuase a black guy is next to us
Then proclaiming we are going thru mao mao land

That is pretty racist
My grandmother knows the ethinicity ( she thinks ) of everyone on TV
and will bring it up in conversation

OMG so much race baiting I thought you were a black dude??????
Never encountered it. Rheingold and IC Lite are the two worst beers I've encountered, and oddly both had their passionate fans. It's almost like "someone has to stick up for this swill ... so why not me?" cn

Rhinelander is sold by the case
The bottles have a deposit
Back when Old style was 15 a case
rhinelander was 4.50 plus deposit

and you got what you paid for
should not this forum have rules prohibiting the hotlinking of retarded mouth breathing troglodytes in clown paint? really beardo, juggaloes? first cheesus rice throws up that bullshit fabricated, fake racism cnn story and you must foist jaggaloes upon us?
you should be ashamed of yourself for first, knowing where to find this crap, secondly, for finding this crap, and thirdly, for intruding upon the blissfully juggalo free lives of respectable potheads , and cheesus too.

This poor couple still can't force someone to marry them? Government needs to step in and stop this. :cuss:
marraige is something 2 consenting adults DECIDE together, not a church, not a mosque, not jesus or any of his followers. sad thing is christy's think they have a monopoly on morality and marraige in america. kinda like a sociopath with values. good ol' merica. you don't need gov't intervention to know baptist church's are etched in southern racism, hell they still basically follow segragation, the churches are either black or white baptist churches, rarely are they combined. besides, anyone still considering the church as a benevolent- equal oppertinity center for family values is just a tool to begin with. so i guess its that black families fault for EVEN TRYING to get married in that white church..... right???
This poor couple still can't force someone to marry them? Government needs to step in and stop this. :cuss:

The reverend of the church wanted to marry them but felt pressure from a small group of racist parishioners not to marry them. he still married them. Just not in that church.
Do you know the history of the Southern baptist Church and black people?
And why do you ALWAYS take the side of racists and bigots?
Liberals: a group of people who believe in a magical governmentalbeing(god) who if they bitch to(pray) their representative (pastor, reverand, rabbi, guru, etc) will give them riches as the chosen people over other racist, greedy, etc.

I will never doubt your growing ability
You must be smoking some really good shit to sound as retarded as you do