Keep telling your ignorant hillbilly racist ass that.
Now though, without a doubt, the most racist group of people these days are black. The fact that the color of peoples skin comes in to play in the media, music, and politics annoys the shit out of me. I could give a fuck less if you're black, blue, brown, white, purple, or yellow. The only color I actively seek out in a group of people is green.![]()
I'm white and from the south and racism is alive for sure. Oddly enough though i see it more in my travels to New England than here; as far as white people hating on blacks that is. Sure racism is bad, but stereotypes do not change until a change is warranted.
Now though, without a doubt, the most racist group of people these days are black. The fact that the color of peoples skin comes in to play in the media, music, and politics annoys the shit out of me. I could give a fuck less if you're black, blue, brown, white, purple, or yellow. The only color I actively seek out in a group of people is green.![]()
well, well, well,.... please lets not forget that american black. where taught this.. we learned it from master.... for YEARS and generation we saw it taught and used against us.. so YES i will admit i here plenty of my people display racism toward white.. sometimes for no reason other then being white.. but afterwards they would say .. that how whites would do us.... i dont think like this.. its wrong.. but i understand it... its a, "imma do you cuz i think you would do me" mantilaty.... its wrong.. but it only done because those blacks think white hate them the we understand why black act racist towards whites, tell me, why do whites hate blacks? and im talking, white from back in the day... i could understand hating some of these blacks today (they where made from the hate of years of hatered)..but why the blacks of 300-400 years ago???? where did it all start, why has it continued,, why, why , why teach hate....Lefties never want to talk about black racism but then again, can you expect a bigot to admit they're bigoted?
That is pretty sad in this day and age
Lefties never want to talk about black racism but then again, can you expect a bigot to admit they're bigoted?
Here we GO!!
Somehow racism is nulified if "well they do it too". There is some sort of notion that if black people are racist then its ok dude, like we can hate on a brother too man.
Why is it that whites figure so long as they aren't wearing a sheet with cut out eyes then they really aren't racist? Why do they figure that if they don't know about it, if they aren't exposed to it, if they don't understand another culture, it is that other culture's fault that they themselves behave the way they do?
In reference to your post: If the jews are in control of our country it is not racism to call them out on it. 6 Jews control 90% of the media in this country. No wonder congress cowtows to the JEwish prime minister when he comes for a visit. No wonder we give them billions in arms and money. They control the mainstream media. This should be illegal. No wonder nobody watches the news anymore its total propaganda. The majority owner of the private federal reserve stock is a jew. Rothschild. It's true. Rothschild enslaved us all making serfs of us in 1913 by usurping control of our banking system. Simultaneously having the IRS created to enforce collection of his interest by imposing an income tax. The IRS is the collection arm of the private federal reserve. Wake up dude! We didnt have an income tax before we had the misnamed federal reserve. IT wasnt necessary. His heirs own and control the federal reserve today. Along with the Morgans, the Loebs, the Warburgs and a few other select families.
To That 5hit:
Bro racism, slavery, and hate in general has been around forever and unfortunately isn't going anywhere. Personally I think fear has a lot to do with racism.
I will say, putting people into "groups" whether social or physical allows for hatred of other "groups" to arrise. If we protected and respected the rights of the individual, made judgements on an individual, and focused on individual character, our society would be as close to equal as possible. The problem is there are so many weak minds in this country and a handful of corrupt powerful minds, individualality is fading. That is why education is so important
Totally agree,,,,, hate is such ancient way of thinking…… its crazy to still see It aroundin the form that we do…… I was very shocked to have seen it on this site forum..I have always thought of true smokers as forward thinkers… but I am neversurprised to find out what age group the hate comes from….. the children our trulythe future…. It’s a shame.. this planet could be something very special if weallow it to be… those who practice hate are a dying breed… this is somethingthey fear…. They try to block the love from their children to keep the hategoing……………. On another note…. ive always wondered are there any racist homo’s….and im not talking bout people who just say racial shit.. know and please note, there is a big difference….Some people are just ass holes that say and think racially insensitive things ..but really mean know harm…. While others act on it .. similar to homo-phobe andgay basher…. The other side of the coin acts on the insensitive thought ….. andnot Im not gay , I have a wife a 3 kids.. but here in Chicago, there a gay neighborhoodactual very well known.. but I work in that area, and I have noticed that allraces work together , and live together…….
You make the common error of mistaking pot smokers with hippies. In truth, marijuana is just one more inebriant and it confers upon the user no more understanding or forward thinking than the hops in beer.
Why is this in "politics"?
Here we GO!!Here we GO!!
Somehow racism is nulified if "well they do it too". There is some sort of notion that if black people are racist then its ok dude, like we can hate on a brother too man.
Why is it that whites figure so long as they aren't wearing a sheet with cut out eyes then they really aren't racist? Why do they figure that if they don't know about it, if they aren't exposed to it, if they don't understand another culture, it is that other culture's fault that they themselves behave the way they do?
Here we GO!!
Somehow racism is nulified if "well they do it too". There is some sort of notion that if white people are racist then its ok dude, like we can hate on a white brother too man.
Why is it that blacks figure so long as they don't belong to the New Black Panther Party then they really aren't racist? Why do they figure that if they don't know about it, if they aren't exposed to it, if they don't understand another culture, it is that other culture's fault that they themselves behave the way they do?
Racism isn't about a specific color my friend, hate comes in all colors, don't be foolish!
now aren't you doing the samebecause there is no Fake Racism/Manufactured Outrage section of this forum
i facepalmed as soon as that dumbass declared "the congregation had decided that no black couple could be married at they church"
if they had a deal with th church and the pastor, signed articles and reserved the hall they would be suing, not whining on cnn and making up lies. most likely they assumed they would just "show up and get married at that church, wit no reservations, no payments no deal at all. it dont work like that even in Obama's Hope and Change Post Racial America. dumbasses gonna dumbass.
Let me see here for a moment. Whites occupy every exclusive club in America, nearly exculsively. They are in the fast majority as CEOs and Presidents of companies, they are in all seats of power in this country in very large majorities but that isn't enough for them, they have to complain when minorities form their own exclusive clubs, no matter how powerless, no matter how small those clubs actually are.
Rather than even attempting to police their own behavior they insist upon policing the behavior of those who formed those clubs in reaction to their having been discriminted against to begin with.
Modern racisim in America is as much "gotcha" politics as it is anything else. I don't particularly care how many black racists there are, my job is to see to it that the white racists are curbed - I leave them to take care of their own in this arena.
Now, I see nothing wrong with hatred, that is simply the nature of man, I don't even care about hatred of groups, that as well is simply the nature of man and I can do little about the sentiment of those around me, but when that hatred becomes institutionalized, I can refuse to accept it, or even point it out and you will see very little institutionalized hatred that has any effect except for that eminating from white males.
Let me see here for a moment. Whites occupy every exclusive club in America, nearly exculsively. They are in the fast majority as CEOs and Presidents of companies, they are in all seats of power in this country in very large majorities but that isn't enough for them, they have to complain when minorities form their own exclusive clubs, no matter how powerless, no matter how small those clubs actually are.
Rather than even attempting to police their own behavior they insist upon policing the behavior of those who formed those clubs in reaction to their having been discriminted against to begin with.
Modern racisim in America is as much "gotcha" politics as it is anything else. I don't particularly care how many black racists there are, my job is to see to it that the white racists are curbed - I leave them to take care of their own in this arena.
Now, I see nothing wrong with hatred, that is simply the nature of man, I don't even care about hatred of groups, that as well is simply the nature of man and I can do little about the sentiment of those around me, but when that hatred becomes institutionalized, I can refuse to accept it, or even point it out and you will see very little institutionalized hatred that has any effect except for that eminating from white males.