black artist makes african "racist" cake

i still dont understand how a black man can be racist to his own race.

is it possible for a white person to make white racial stereotypes about white people?

like for example, you're from the south, so you must be a redneck, two-teeth having, bourbon whiskey sipping, slow-minded white trash hick who's sister is also his momma.

i haven't watched the clip, but does that example answer your question?
is it possible for a white person to make white racial stereotypes about white people?

like for example, you're from the south, so you must be a redneck, two-teeth having, bourbon whiskey sipping, slow-minded white trash hick who's sister is also his momma.


I thought identities were suppose to be secret LOL. Pegged me....OK, J/K

Self-loathing exists in all races and beliefs. We really don't know his motivatiom.

some of the most interesting things I've seen yet. a black dude makes a cake of his culture and is called a racist for doing so. "I love it when these freaks tare each others skin off for a sticker"

sounded to me like the media was trying to turn it into a race thing with the woman cutting the cake--although the fact that she was smiling and laughing while she was doing it was kinda weird. . .but. . .the artist said it was to call attention to genital mutilation which I believe is a problem exclusive to black african culture ( correct me if I'm wrong). . .so the fact that it was a black woman cake seems race appropriate. . .but omg! I can't believe he made a red velvet cake! anyway it really reminded me of that scene in Steel Magnolias with the armadillo cake. . .(i just got stoned for the first time today so I'm kinda rambley. . .apologies)
sounded to me like the media was trying to turn it into a race thing with the woman cutting the cake--although the fact that she was smiling and laughing while she was doing it was kinda weird. . .but. . .the artist said it was to call attention to genital mutilation which I believe is a problem exclusive to black african culture ( correct me if I'm wrong). . .so the fact that it was a black woman cake seems race appropriate. . .but omg! I can't believe he made a red velvet cake! anyway it really reminded me of that scene in Steel Magnolias with the armadillo cake. . .(i just got stoned for the first time today so I'm kinda rambley. . .apologies)

It isn't exclusive to the African culture (unfortunately). But the artist is speaking up for HIS culture, and he's African. And the fact that the cake screamed really freaked me out lol. I also don't think she should have laughed, because he was trying to send a very serious message (still so grossed out) and OMG I just noticed that was you cinna! You changed your picture! How the hell are you??