Well-Known Member
walked past the pc n could not help but smell some dank ass weed. looked all around thinking i musta dropped some buds n steped on them but was nowhere to be found. i looked high n low to no avail... where the funk is that coming from i ask myself... then i opened up the pc n PUCK ME!!!! theres a forest tumbling over the pages from kmk. now i know they are verry impressive with their gargantuan size n smelling ripe but this is a dirty sock kinda dank im smelling. i move a couple tree limbs from kmks big mds n aha!!! THERE IS THE SOURCE... BKBs dank ass buds spread around everywhere... lmao
Ive said it before but ill say it again, BKB YOU ARE THE MAN!!!
Your getting close to getting some MDs yourself with those kind words bro!!!! I was happy to hear the smell wasnt you stepping in dog shit....LOL Have a good nite fellas! I got a Dentist appointment tomorrow and I fucking hate the dentist but gotta go!