Kinda late post on the subject but I found this somewhere along the line in my research forgot where I found it handy dandy

Seed stocks are graded by the amount of control exerted by the collector in selecting the parents.
Grade #1 Seed parent and pollen parent are known and there is absolutely no possibility that the seeds resulted from pollen contamination.
Grade #2 Seed parent is known but several known staminate or hermaphrodite pollen parents are involved.
Grade #3 Pistillate parent is known and pollen parents are unknown.
Grade #4 Neither parent is known, but the seeds are collected from one floral cluster, so the pistillate seed parent age traits may be characterized.
Grade #5 Parentage is unknown but origin is certain, such as seeds collected from the bottom of a bag of imported Marijuana.
Grade #6 Parentage and origin are unknown.
One of the most important things is keeping records like in a spread sheet, measurements, photos etc. I suggest keeping stuf* on encrypted disks.
Like SICC said I would do a progeny test to see which male is the best for your breeding goals. One of my questions tho if anyone can help me out is
Lets say I only have 1 male and 1 female of the same line, and I don't have any more seeds. Can the perfect male still be found in the offspring.. For
example You get 1 female and male of Kerela neither is real breeding material, but somewhere along their line was a good male or female. Is it possible
to inbred them and sift through the hundreds of seeds with the possibility of finding that special male and female. I am assuming this would depend on
the frequency... So it may only be 1 in hundred or something similar.?.