Bit of broken glass stuck in percolator


Well-Known Member
So the other day my dome snapped, leaving some broken glass in the downstem. I thought I got all of it out, but there is one piece that has now got stuck in my percolator.

I've ran 91% iso and sea salt through it a billion times so far, and nothing has been able to get the piece of glass through the perc. It isn't moving, seems to be wedged pretty good in the hole. Anyone know of any solution or something I could use to get this out?

It's a $450 mobius beaker, theres got to be a way to get this out... I'd hate to lose my favorite piece because a cheap-ass dome snapped. Nothing even put any pressure on the dome, my dog ran into the table, the bong was falling, I caught it, and the change in acceleration when I caught it caused the dome to snap where it meets the downstem.
very serious. The splash-guards holes are bigger than the perc holes so it could easily carry up all that way with a little help from some water. The splash guard isn't perfect, I've got water in the mouth before.
why would we use iso and salt to clean a bong if it deteriorated the glass? ide say get yourself some olive oil and a paperclip
Post some pics and we'll come up with an idea, its almost impossible to help just off explanation in these type of situations
fill your bong up completely with water, cover one hole with your hand, put your mouth on the other hand... build up pressure and BLOW that sum bitch outa its hidy hole haha. it may take a couple times. shit.. hook a vaccuum up to one end and cover the other hole then let go slightly for the most suction