bit of a weird one


Active Member
While changing the water today I noticed there was a brown slime on the water pipe and a fine sand consistency powder on the bottom of the reservoir.
The part that makes it a bit weird is that the slime doesn't appear to be on the roots and the smell is earthy and nice.

Info about the setup!

* NFT hydro setup
* temps and humidity are fairly stable
* The reservoir used to be an oil container but I did wash it out Very well before use.
* The reservoir is clouded plastic, opaque, however the roots are covered and in darkness.
* start of 3rd week.
* using canna aqua A + B
* PH 5.8-5.9

Anyone have any idea what the slime could be? could it be the nutrient tank being exposed to light (not bright light as the plant tray is covering the top of the reservoir), has anyone got an idea on how to lightproof it?



Well-Known Member
It is normal to get a biological buildup on rubber or hoses. I would worry about that res letting light in, opaque is not light proof. Paint it black then white


Active Member
It is normal to get a biological buildup on rubber or hoses. I would worry about that res letting light in, opaque is not light proof. Paint it black then white
Ahh thanks, no need to worry after all :).

Any idea on the powder at the bottom, im thinking limescale?

yh I was planning on getting some ducktape and wrapping it up so its light tight.