Bit O' advice needed please?

Howdy folks, im just starting out on my first ever weed growing adventure and i just want to ask a couple o questions.

firstly, i have a grow tent which measures 1.2 x 1.2 x 2 meters. i have a 600 watt growlux light, and 2 x 400 watt hps lights. i wanted to know which 2 lights would be the most suited and perform better in the space.?

Also i have exhaust fan with carbon filter and air vent flaps so that i can push a fresh air through to get the circulation going. i have all the equipment on stand-by.

My grow is going to consist of 6 x big bud, and possibly 2 x white widow, is this two much??? or will i just stick with the 6 big bud?

i wanted to know, what nutes i should use for veg and flowering, and from a experienced growers point of view and past much will these 6 plants yield, per plant (roughly).#

i have made a minute effort before but decide that if i was going to do it again i was going to do it right. i have studied marijuana cultivation as a small hobby for quite a while, and im schooled up on the whole thang a bit.

books are ok i guess and can help you alot, but i want to hear a bit of advice and hopefully get a bit of guidance along the way.

thanks for taking the time to read this guys. peace:joint::peace::joint:


Well-Known Member
not too expert in the hps side of things, but 6 plants sounds like plenty
probably too many, i'd think 3 plants would be all that would fit in there
lot depends on how big each plant will be, for SOG you might do ok


Well-Known Member
Do the Big bud.. wont smell as bad as the ww.

And dont overcowd your plants, especially in a tent.

Start off with 4 Big bud under the 600.

Plant count does not always mean more yield.

And i might suggest you looking into Fox farms, the full line for nutes.

Good luck :)


Well-Known Member
i have 15 plants in the same size tent it works if you keep them small. 6 is good or 4 monsters. i was using ff but moved to subcools super soil. its all a matter of what you like. more small plants is faster but i think you get less bud
Guys thanks very much for the posts, i gained a bit of knowledge from each, and the points of view has sort of put a bit more in to perspective for me. thanks again