Birth Control pills and seed germination

well only one way to be sure. dilluted into a couple gallons i dought it would do any damage when i come across a pill i will test agaist untreated plant of the same strain. i also might look into a isoflavone concentrate im pretty sure that would benefit female cannabis plants i will look for a product when im picking up supplements for myself:peace:
WOW i heard this for the first time a couple weeks ago when a friend asked me about it. This has to be the dumbest thing i ever heard.
The issue here is you are trying to convert the genetical genotype of a already predetermined species. No hormone in the world could convert men into women and visa versa, if that was the case, then we wouldn't have transexuals. Trying to change the genetical structure of a prefertalized plant seed is like trying to change the sex of a new-born baby.
In the plants flowering stage, you may increase the flowering (though I have no idea). The ultimate question here is, can you find any empiracle evidence that can show whether or not cannibis sativa uses estrogen and testosterone as sex hormones? If the plant does not use the hormone, then it would be no benifit to the plant.

Good Luck :peace:
all organisms that are sexual in nature use use male and female hormones(lol) and yes sex is pre-determined in cannabis. look into it. if you read my posts what i said was that it possibly could accelerate growth in known females and maybe reduce herm tendencies. these are theories. read the whole post. and if your just going to post shooting people down with no usefull thoughts save your words it is a waste of peoples time who are interested. if you think the thread is stupid find another one or at least post usefull thoughts explaining your oppinion:peace:
all organisms that are sexual in nature use use male and female hormones(lol) and yes sex is pre-determined in cannabis. look into it. if you read my posts what i said was that it possibly could accelerate growth in known females and maybe reduce herm tendencies. these are theories. read the whole post. and if your just going to post shooting people down with no usefull thoughts save your words it is a waste of peoples time who are interested. if you think the thread is stupid find another one or at least post usefull thoughts explaining your oppinion:peace:

I don't think anyone here has shot anyone down, surprisingly enough.
I am totally open to cannabis seeds being predetermined, but in that case, why is it that plants can be stressed into becoming males? Or, is that just an old pothead's tale?
The issue here is you are trying to convert the genetical genotype of a already predetermined species. No hormone in the world could convert men into women and visa versa, if that was the case, then we wouldn't have transexuals. Trying to change the genetical structure of a prefertalized plant seed is like trying to change the sex of a new-born baby.
In the plants flowering stage, you may increase the flowering (though I have no idea). The ultimate question here is, can you find any empiracle evidence that can show whether or not cannibis sativa uses estrogen and testosterone as sex hormones? If the plant does not use the hormone, then it would be no benifit to the plant.

Good Luck :peace:
I could not agree more.
Grow out your plants cull the males, keep the females...and leave honey pie's pills for what they were intended keep fuck trophy's away.
sex is pre determined yes. no hormone will change this. i never in any of my posts said anything about changing sex with hormones all im saying is that for plants known already to be female. i think added hormones could possibly be usefull for growth/flowering and reducing herms. sexual hormones are very powerful. there are hormones for different aspects of a plants life you can clone without ROOTING HORMONE but its much easier with. it tells the plant to make roots as opposed to the plant producing its own hormones which takes more time. all i am saying is that various female sexual hormones could be usefull in accelerating FEMALE plant growth and features in female plants. it is at the very lest worth experimenting with. because cannabis is not legal we have to find some things out for ourselves. the government does little or no research so it is good to try new things even if they fail. otherwise we learn nothing and make no progress as growers:peace:
sex is pre determined yes. no hormone will change this. i never in any of my posts said anything about changing sex with hormones all im saying is that for plants known already to be female. i think added hormones could possibly be usefull for growth/flowering and reducing herms. sexual hormones are very powerful. there are hormones for different aspects of a plants life you can clone without ROOTING HORMONE but its much easier with. it tells the plant to make roots as opposed to the plant producing its own hormones which takes more time. all i am saying is that various female sexual hormones could be usefull in accelerating FEMALE plant growth and features in female plants. it is at the very lest worth experimenting with. because cannabis is not legal we have to find some things out for ourselves. the government does little or no research so it is good to try new things even if they fail. otherwise we learn nothing and make no progress as growers:peace:

An avid monologue.

Now I know it's not too cool here to advertise something you haven't personally experimented with, but I've been researching alfalfa tea, and as a lover of organic herb, I'm itching to try it out. It has tons of nutrients, amino acids and healthy enzymes. Also, it has triacontanol. According to Wikipedia, triacontanol is a plant growth hormone which greatly increases the number of "basal breaks", which, as it turns out, is the name for when you cut a stem and get more shoots coming out of it. So, theoretically, it would be terrific for topping- or, infact, any bud growth.

Again, neither tried n'or tested, but fuck if I can wait to...
let me know if that is usefull at all. i know you can make rooting hormone from the bark of a type of tree(i forget which one) some kind of elm i think. anyways thats interesting it is definetly worth a try:peace: