Bird's BioCanna run: CC OSD, CVK, DH OG; TGA Plushberry; and AKG Jackpot Royale grow

Ya, I'm usre the EJ Grow will be fine for Nitrogen, and I suspect that you are right about the Nitrogen in the soil accounting for the lackthereof in the Vega.

I use Floralicious on my normal Canna grow, the stuff works well. I've heard it is pretty pure, don't know how much chemicals is used in making it though.

As for the mycorrhizzae, I went with great white because it contained a larger variety of beneficial bacterias than the others available to me. Plant Success and a few others were my options. I will check into the mykos and azos though. I'm always up for new suggestions. :)

I have never had any problems with Flores not having enough P or K. I have had P def pop up when I was doing first week of turning lights to 12/12 and was still feeding it Vega. The next feeding I just gave it straight Flores and it took care of the problems.

About the pHing, I think as long as you are running a BioCanna base nutrient line (or another Veganic nutrient line,) and using other organic additives, pHing shouldn't be an issue. Like I said, mine actually did better. It is hard to get away from pHing water if you come from a hydro or non organic background, but basically what was said to me was, to forget everything I've learned about hydro or growing with nonorganic nutrients, and learn how to read the plant. The plant will tell you if it needs more or less or something else. As long as you keep the base simple and adjust accordingly, you won't go wrong.
Thanks for the support guys. A little update after July 4th weekend, I hope you all had a good one.

I got the little buggers transplanted into dixie cups. I ended up losing one of the Deadhead and one of the Sour Diesel, they just popped and shot up and then just withered and died. So I am left with 4 of the Deadhead OG, and 9 of the Original Sour Diesel. The Plushberries (10) and the Jackpots (10) are all doing well, and the solo Moby Dick is doing very good also. I have them under a 4 bulb T-5 for now and will be getting them under a 400w hopefully soon. Other than that, nothing exciting going, lol.
Probably soon to be last post in this thread. Apparently I contracted some fungus gnats from somewhere which fucking boggles me because everything I used in this grow was new and sanitized before I put anything in it. I was trying to avoid something like this.... I transplanted my seeds and about half of them took off and half didn't. I thought maybe they were stressed or something and just tried to make the environment as hospitable as I could. Kept them moist, but not too wet, good lighting, good air circulation, etc. I come in today and I have fungus in my soil and little gnats floating around my cups. Fuck my life. I'll start another thread soon when I get some more seeds. Pretty pissed right now, I'll update if I'm able to save anything.
Shit mate that sucks to hear about this, and to loose all those babies too... Sorry for your loss bro and I'll wait to hear how you get on next round.
Stay up's!! :leaf::peace:
Quick update with pics to come later, I had a few that stayed strong and have still been growing fine. I have lost roughly 10 so far, and will probably lose a few more, but I think I got the worst of the little buggers out of there. Hopefully I'll be able to salvage something to use later. Things could have definitely been worse, but I'm still saddened. I hate wasting life and seeing plants die. Especially ones that accumulatively cost me around $400, lol. I still see that one solo Moby Dick going strong, a few Plushberries, a few Jackpots, and a few Deadhead. I'll update more later.
Here's an update of the little ladies. Doing well. Getting low dose nutrients, under a t5. I have the Moby, Deadhead, Plushberry, Sour Diesel, and Jack Pot Royale still going.


And here is some stuff that I am finishing up, I finished the GDP. Beautiful plant. Frosty, smelly, big. The first bud is a pre trimmed top, the second is the night before we chopped it.


This is my Blue Cheese. Week 9, last week getting a flush.


This is my RP Sour Kush. Week 9. Buds are big and sticky. Not a ton of frost on the leaves, but as each pistil gets bigger, it is frost covered. It does still look like it has a week or 2 to go. Plan on taking it at week 10-11 per advice from Upthearsenal.


Sorry I haven't been as fastidious as I should, tons of work going on, on top of growing.
dam sorry about the problem but the news is that ffof or ff period has been having problems
with the fungas nats and root alphids alot thats why i stopped using their soil just call the rep and ask
Looking forward to see the out come of the JPR grow, as I can't find anyone else with a documented grow of her.
I got a 10 pack not long ago will do a Tube documentation.
Look for it on the Tube under PlanetGreenToe.
Got a few posted grows on there, just love doing video grows.
Stay green my friends