Bird shit


Seems like the birds in my neighborhood like shitting on my plants. This obviously needs to be prevented. Anyone got any tips? Should I make a cover of some sort that lets light through? Think a fake owl or something like that might help? Any suggestions would be great.

And while I have your attention. I had a bit of a paranoid moment last night and cut the top off one of my plants. It's almost 7 feet tall (started growing these guys before I discovered how great topping and fiming are for saving space) and I don't need it growing any higher. Any problems I may have caused by doing this?

Thanks guys!


Well-Known Member
Ask the birds not to shit on your plants .Nothing you can do there. And dont top the plant too much it will affect final weight if you make a habit of it.


Unfortunately I failed out of my bird speaking class in high-school... so I'm not sure that will work...

Good to know about the topping. I only planned on doing it that one time. Its just crazy tall and I felt like i needed to slow down its push.

Now ive got another question. Why does it affect the final yield if you continuously top? And does fimming do the same thing final yield wise? I was planning on fimming the hell out of my next set of clones to create some Mega bushes.


Well-Known Member
Try some bird netting or shade screen of some sort that will let sun through but catch the poo. U can lst n get some monsters with almost no stress. Mine r 9 ft tall by 8 1/2 wide. Just used trellis netting n tomatoe cages.


Well-Known Member
I went hog wild with tomato cages and LST - never heard of it until a couple of months ago. We had some cages leftover from our orchard planting so I used them to LST. They work great! I waited till the plants had some branches and then put the tomato cages over them, splaying out the branches. As they grew I tied them spiralling up the outside (kept a roll of plant tiedown clipperd to my utility belt). Hubby almost had a fit (I cut some cages into two and three - oh my!) but I can use them again next year. Very happy with the resulting oodles of colas -- flowering is starting -- so excited :)


ok so the simplest way to keep birds away is introduce a predator small birds such as finch's and medium birds such as pigeons are frightened by larger birds for usually one of 2 reasons 1-they bird wants their food and is willing to attack, 2-the bird wants them for food and is willing to attack . I have a a fake owl that moves it's head for each of my 3 wonders, even on the squirrels.