Biowave DI-1000 subsonic wave generator


Well-Known Member
"The Biowave DI-1000 from Biowave Tech. emits subsonic harmonic waves which resonate with the plants internal frequencies and cause the stoma to dilate, thereby increasing respiration and photosynthetic processes. Tests have confirmed an average increase in yield of 20% with the lowest increase being 12%..................................................... think this is bullshit? anyone try it? saw it in high times..........


Active Member
"The Biowave DI-1000 from Biowave Tech. emits subsonic harmonic waves which resonate with the plants internal frequencies and cause the stoma to dilate, thereby increasing respiration and photosynthetic processes. Tests have confirmed an average increase in yield of 20% with the lowest increase being 12%..................................................... think this is bullshit? anyone try it? saw it in high times..........

Haven't even looked this up but at least 50% of claims made in hightimes is BS, products that I've seen over the years and claimed to be awesome and now don't even get sold?!?!?! Hey they're also big pushers for LED and their BETTER resukts than HID. I appreciate the hard work they put in and the funds they donate but again, lots of material in their mag is solely for profit. Again not talking about this particualr item you're speaking about.

ii dP ii

That's an awful lot of big long words to put on an ad for something designed to be sold to stoners...

Smells like bullshit. I have no proof to back that up though.


New Member
From all the Info and testimonials ive read from farmers and distributors i can conclude this machine is outrageously overpriced. only positive report ive read is from a grower on another forum who claims he hasnt seen a bug since install but thats it. If it really increased yields 20%, every farmer across the country would lineup for truck loads of these things. Ive never tried it though so i cant tell you facts, only opinions off shit ive read on the web.