Biocanna - Canna v/s Advanced Nutrients


Active Member
I’m using AN since my first grow and I really don’t have much to complain, every time I have a more than decent result. But I’m using the whole series available which means a ton of different bottles and of course the price is way high. I recently got my attention the products of Biocanna which is the organic part of Canna.
They only have a boost roots, a vegetation sup, a bloom sup and boost in a fraction of the Advanced Nutrients cost…
Had anyone experienced Biocanna or Canna?
I've used canna for years.

Started with the whole regime, after 2 year switched to just the base nutrients (canna AnB)

All the rest is just fancy labels and silly prices, it's really not necessary at all.

Try it
after I read ALL post regarding AdvancedNutrients v/s otherBrands I understand that this is the best solution for cannabis. Yes they are expensive and they have a lot of different products but they work each time in perfection ..
I use Canna Aqua simply because they add Ph neutral Silica and no other manufacturers adds this (to my knowledge), Many years ago in my noob days I tried the trial bottle of cannabis specific Sensi Bloom from AN and after about 6 weeks there was mould globules floating in the clear B Bottle, put me right off AN ever again.
Yeah this happens (also happened to me with the “Voodo Juice” but there is no big deal, they are totally functional..