BioBizz Bloom vs. Bushmaster


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking about getting some BioBizz Bloom....but I've read good things about Humbolt's Bushmaster. We are doing a SoG method with a 20" tall space maximum...but enough space for eight colas. Which would be better? The Bushmaster or the BioBizz?!?

Space Cowboy

New Member
I use BioBizz Grow and Bloom - never had more healthier plants. Unbelievable difference compared to salt fertilizers.

Buy the pair!


Well-Known Member
mixed reviews on price smell. this can be a expensive line.

the bush master is best used once, at half power. bushmaster will turn your plants off. this can cause other problems, they also have another stacker.... called purple maxx

both run about 30.00 for 8 oz


Well-Known Member
I have purple max...what does it do? Its supposed to mix with stacker and i dont believe its supposed to be used alone.


Well-Known Member
I have purple max...what does it do? Its supposed to mix with stacker and i dont believe its supposed to be used alone.

purple maxx used to be called stacker, it is claimed to cause massive purple color, but doesn't work well on all strains.

It was called stacker because it litterally stack the nodes one on top of the other super super tight.


Well-Known Member
yeah i was looking into stacker and gravity just to try it out on my kush babies i still might get some
bushmaster seems like it would do the trick but if you have height limitations i would just top them and pinch the plants it would work alot better and force more colas up and think about sticking with some short growing indicas aswell =)


Well-Known Member
thanks fellas...i went out and bought RootTech cloning gel and Rockwool. I also picked up a 32oz. bottle of BioBizz Bloom. Since I'm am taking clones then sticking them directly into 12/12 i figured I'd only get the Bloom...


Well-Known Member
They still need N man. They grow rapidly during flowering and where does all that shit come from...... Bio-Bloom has an NPK of 2-6-3.5, Bio-Grow has an NPK of 8-2-6. Reading from the back of the Bio-Grow "to be used during the whole cycle (vegetative and flowering period) of the plant."

Now when it says that i presume it means use the Grow at a reduced level as it suggests 2ml-5ml per litre. While you up the dose of the Bloom.

If you really wanna go all out try some of the TopMax, I havent used it yet as am only in week one 12/12, I have heard mixed comments about it but the best way to find out is test it imo.

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
Uh I got a question. I just bought some Bio Bizz grow and bloom. My bio grow says NPK 1.8-.1-.6.6, my bio bloom has a NPK of 1.1-2.5-2. Wtf is this? Lol, uh yours sounds a lot more normal. I bought this off ebay, did I get screwed? Weird. I was looking at my pure blned and the numbers are much more normal.
also the instructions are per liter. 1 ml per liter. tell me some good news, tell me I am not screwed.

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
I looked up other bio bizz grows and found 2 other grows with my nute and their weaker str. IDK what is up with this, i wonder who is wrong, me in reading, or the ebay seller for giving me some weird version, or wtf. LOl, well i also got mexican bat guano, worm castings and unsulphered molassases on hand as well as super plant tonic.

I wanted to do teas anyway.

I also got a plan to use my weaker bio bizz and top dress with bat guano, feeding spt for the in between fert waterings.

I wonder if anyone else has the 1.8-0.1-6.6 grow and the 1.1-2.5-2 bloom version of bio bizz improted from holland made by GHBB, the real deal, omri cert on bottle. Safe for every watering it says too. Lables, HuH!


Well-Known Member
im using bio grow, bio bloom and top max at the moment on top of that im using canna 13/14 havent had 1 problem with them check my journal out some1 put a post in it tellin u how many ml per litre of bio grow, bio bloom,topmax to use hope this helps:joint::hump: