BioBizz are giving me problems!! Help needed!!

  • Peace guys,

    have been keeping a close eye on the forums and im yet to find any clear answers or advice. I do have a query I hope you don't mind shedding some light on as I could do with your expertise. First off, a little about my setup..

    Grow Cube Tent H: 180cm W: 60cm L: 60cm
    began with 65watt CFL Light for first 3weeks then installed a 400watt Metal Halide along side(and a 400watt HPS for flowering stage).
    Fan and air conditioner to maintain 75-80f temp.
    3 plants: Northen Lights/White Domina/Power Skunk

    Im currently on week 4 and 2 days from germination. All plants are in Bio Bizz All Mix soil and have only been given water every 3 days with no extra nutes. Each plant is in a 6'' grow pot. As of recent the leaves of my oldest plant have began to drop slightly inwhich I think is down to lack of nutrients.

    One thing that is really giving me a headache is the nutrient intake. Im so confused on amounts and whether or not to mix nutes in the same water etc and i've watched multiple videos, been through multiple forums and im yet to get any simple guidelines. Im a newbie at this so some really simple steps would help greatly.

    I currently have Bio Bizz Grow and Bio Bizz Bloom which im yet to start using. I wanted to ask at this stage how much is a realistic intake for a seedling? I've read and checked out the feeding schedule Bio Bizz offers but im unable to get a clear picture of how much I should give to a small plant. Infact, im pretty confused about the whole process. so I would fill a 1litre jug of water and to that, add 1ml of bio bizz grow and then 1ml of bio buzz bloom, mix it up, then feed one plant? or is this the amount for multiple plants? and if one, im sure 1litre with nutes would completely drown the plant am i right?

    once this step was worked out is there a template feeding pattern to use? for example water on day 1, day 2 you leave it and day 3 you feed with the nutes. and repeat this cycle?

    Some really easy steps on the whole process of feeding would be ideal and greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time!​



Well-Known Member
hey man ,i have used biobizz the last several grows and am starting to get to grips with it myself.

Firstly, the all mix soil should do you the entire veg cycle of the plant, assuming your going to veg to about 1 foot. Now of course all strains feed different, but generally you should be good with just water for the veg stage. If you start getting yellowing fans at the bottom you start giving grow, but you won't need to i wouldn't think.

Then when you hit flower, mix your bio grow and bloom together with your water and feed at every watering. You will only need 1 ml of grow per litre and 1 ml of bloom per litre, moving the bloom up gradually according the chart.. The amount you need to water is entirely dependent on how quick your pot dries out . ALl you need to do is wait until the surface of the soil feels dry, then try and lift the pot, if it feels light water it till you get a little run off.. then try and lift it again and see how heavy it is.. that means next time you want to check if it needs water you will be able to see how light it is in comparison.

Google old timers biobizz feeding guide . I found it very useful ,he's an experienced grower on another forum with bio bizz expertise.


Pics would help some dude. I use the bio bizz nutrient line. I mix my own soil which is similar to the bio bizz soil.
1: Dont water every 3rd day. Water when the soil is dry on top and only slightly moist 1.5" down. Droopy leaves can be overwatering. Water slowly so the medium have time to absorb and until theres a small runoff from the pot. This is ESSENTIAL imo.
2: Its hard to overfeed with the bio bizz nute line. I use it with every watering. Using the feeding chart supplied is safe. Start on the low doze and work your way up according to chart. Try Bloom 1 ml/l and Grow 1 ml/l mixed together in a bottle to start with. If you expect to use around 3 liters you have to put 3ml + 3 ml into the 3 liters container etc.