Bio-bizz soil ll-mix medium(usage)


Active Member
hi looking for any info on the use of this soil as im repotting into 11L pots in the next few days my plants are 5 weeks old and doing well what im trying to find out is do i need to feed nutes with this medium from the start or is there enough nutes in the soil to get them started as my plants have not got any type of nutes up to now so will there be enough in this soil the get the started or when is best to start them out on nutes

thanks in advance



Well-Known Member
that chart is for clones, ony gives 2 week veg time but so only use the chart as a rough guide, oh and when you start with the nutes id use 1/4 strength. i use the all mix soil and bloom grow and top-max


Active Member
no when you switch to flower then they should be used together :peace:
ok cool green cheers man so i just start out when i do my plants are 6 weeks from seed and under mh cuming up on week2 so i just feed grow
Im using all this stuff :)

Im on week 5 on the chart. Using the all mix version.
ya robot im using the same as ya all-mix soil what age was your plants when you started them on grow

that chart is for clones, ony gives 2 week veg time but so only use the chart as a rough guide, oh and when you start with the nutes id use 1/4 strength. i use the all mix soil and bloom grow and top-max
cheers for that stone had been making it out 3ml to 5ltrs of water i was thinking that when i was looking at the chart and didnt understand what was going on ??? now i know how it works kinda


Active Member
ya there only in it since last sunday they were just in normal mix of compost and perite unti sunday with no nutes used at all


Well-Known Member
when i repot my plants in new all mix soil i dont usually need to feed for another 2 or 3 weeks (obv during veg), usualy just up the feeds .5ml for every litre of water every 3rd feed. usually give 2 nute feeds and a water feed each week.