Bill Gates Has $100,000 For Anyone Who Can Invent a High-Tech, Next-Gen Condom


Well-Known Member
Condoms are a life-saving piece of tech, and for being little more than uninflated latex balloons, they do their job pretty well if you wear them. That's the part that Bill Gates is working on. No, he's not going around as a one-man condom-police army, but he is offering $100,000 to anyone who can make a condom less of a bummer to wear.

The money is being offered by the Gates Foundation by way of the Grand Challenges in Global Health Program, and is up for grabs by "anyone - students, scientists or entrepreneurs" who can improve the age-old second-skin tech. And if you needed any clever ideas to get you started, the Gates foundation "has you covered" so to speak:

Additional concepts that might increase [condom usage] uptake include attributes that increase ease-of-use for male and female condoms, for example better packaging or designs that are easier to properly apply. In addition, attributes that address and overcome cultural barriers are also desired.

But mostly force-fields. I think we're all looking for force-field condoms here. Or maybe something with graphene? I don't know, you figure it out.

Gates has already thrown a whole bunch of cash at building a better toilet, it's not that surprising that something like condoms might be next on the list. But with any luck, the reward can spark some killer innovation, and then you'll have Bill Gates to thank the next time you get laid. What a thrill.

I bet the next new thing that comes out has some kind of computer chip technology attached to it. As I was reading this, I thought maybe a pulse vibration sort of thing would be pretty cool as the sensation is weakened through normal condoms. What kinds of ideas do you think would be cool that could improve the design of the condom?
Some sort of memory material that will literally grip the skin no thicker than a layer of epidermis so that 99% of the sensation is transmitted and will shrink and hug your dick if you stop to change positions and you get a little flacid.

The material science guys should be all over this.
Perhaps they could even make the surface texture similar to Sharklet, the synthetic texture modeled after shark skin and shown to halt the growth of bacteria and viruses -


As an added bonus, it seems to be ribbed for her pleasure...
my dad used to have this stuff in the shop that you rubbed on your hands before you started working and then the grease and dirt would clean off faster without having to wear gloves.
they also have that stuff for cuts or burns called second skin or something.
Need something like that. It would be great, you could just spray you cock and balls, hell even your taint and get real dirty on a girl with open sores.
will it come in flavours?

maybe White Cheddar, Roka Blue, Pimento, Olde English, Bacon Ranch or Cream Cheese and Pineapple....

fuck i would get FILTHY with some Bacon Ranch or Smoked Gouda on a betty.

im talking thick ropey streams of jism everywhere.
Some sort of memory material that will literally grip the skin no thicker than a layer of epidermis so that 99% of the sensation is transmitted and will shrink and hug your dick if you stop to change positions and you get a little flacid.

The material science guys should be all over this.

The thing is, the patents on a material like that would be worth a hell of a lot more than a measly hundred grand...
That's just a detail, spray more on top to create inflatable balloon-ish tip.

Use some 'green' eco-friendly recycled climate-neutral material that is edible and tastes and smells good and adjust to the skin color and you've got a winner.

And of course, it would have to come in black as well... there you go: chocolate spray condom.
"Spray 30 seconds longer for each additional inch" ?

No, not really, but neither do regular condoms.

It's not your wife though, it's the porn industry with their freakishly huge photoshopped cocks and the spam with penis enlargement products :lol:
Super Condoms
Using a simple nano-fabrication technique called electro-spinning, researchers have successfully manufactured a fabric woven from sperm-blocking fibers knitted together with anti-HIV drug delivery fibers. The result is a female condom that prevents pregnancy, guards against HIV transmission, and then evaporates within hours or days depending on how it's manufactured. It's the world's perfect condom, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has just given the researchers $1 million to manufacture them for a mass market.
That was a quote from the movie Envy, yet a serious question nevertheless. If it evaporates, then where does its contents go? April's Fools condom?