Bilbo's Hobbit Hole The Fellowship Of The Weed

Bilbo Baggins

Well-Known Member
How do all, Bilbo from the Shire, Ive been messing about with growing weed for years but always on a small scale. Most obvious reason for that is I only grow what I need, no external business going on here.

Things have moved on a bit from the fly by the seat of your pants days when I took lots of input from the old Overgrow forum, damn I miss that ! Anyway enough reminiscing, we'll get round to all that in the due course of time.

Best place to start is the present. I have 3 White Rhino plants ( Feminised Nirvana seeds ) flowering away in my grow pals garden brick built shed. It seems that the last year or two I have come to be known as the Veg man. I germinate seeds, veg them up and then give them away to friend (s) who then split the weed with me and so far its worked out fantasticWhite Rhino 1.jpgHeres one of the White Rhino's and yes I know--its less than perfect. I need to learn more about nutes and various other aspects of growing, which is the purpose of this journal,I dont mind any criticism, maybe in a short time I will being growing to a much higher standard.

Having siad that, lots of my previous vegging plants have been similarly jaded yet have yielded a good amount of quality weed.

I intend to keep my various growing activities relatively low cost and low key, not for me expensive grow systems and hydroponics that you would need a degree in horticultural science to understand.

Any comments of any nature are encouraged, feel free to comment and speak of your own grows and opinions.

Toodle Pip for now


Doc Holliday

Active Member
Try taking measurements with a PPM meter in whatever nutes and water your feeding that little girl there, also something to measure out PH would make for a nice addtion to your tool invintory. If she continues to keep getting yellower I would recommended some water without nutes for a few days until you see her color turn. Other then that she looking fine like a sweet cherry wine lol sorry little high and sleepy at the moment. Keep up the good work!


Well-Known Member
Nice work man, agreed about getting a pH pen and ppm meter, will make things a lot easier for you in the long run :)

She's a nice looking plant though mate, nice thick stem on her!!

Bilbo Baggins

Well-Known Member
OK its a couple of years later, and I,m back into Rollitup, spring approaches and a young mans attention gets drawn to that packet of seeds you bought a couple of weeks ago, only this time round its NIRVANA NORTHERN LIGHTS, popped a packet a week ago and all 5 sprouted. OK so far so good, nothing out of the ordinary to report, seedlings look like seedlings should. Of more concern to me at the moment is the converting of a smallish cupboard into a small time grow closet, what I have at the moment at my disposal is a 250 MH light which is good for vegging the plants ( I hate to spend too much money on vegging, also a 6'' fan, thermometer, Biobizz soil and er well that's about it basically. My reintrest in growing was sparked by my boy who also loves the wicked weed ( don't worry hes 25 yrs old ) he has at his place of work an older colleague who has been growing for years and has got a strain of weed that he perpetuates by cuttings, he boasts 6 ounces a plant. My boy persuaded him to give a couple over to us so that we could have a go at this mystery strain ourselves, when asked what strain it was he hinted that theres a bit of AK47 along with TRAINWRECK in its make up. At first I was wondering if I had messed things up as the cuttings grew slowly at first with non serated leaves, however now things have stabilized and the mystery weed now looks good, back later possibly with a couple of pics. thanks to all who recently bumped this journal, they are mostly growers here whom I am reading THEIR journals, welcome all to the hobbit hole, pull up a seat, fill a pipe and lets chill.

Bilbo Baggins

Well-Known Member
See if I can remember how to post pics Cupboard with grow box 1.jpgCupboard with grow box 2.jpgMystery Girls CL 2 Weeks.jpgNirvana NL Seedlings 1 Week.jpg yep,there we go. first couple pics is the kind of home made box I made , its basically a tea chest with a silver type of bubble wrap we use at my work to keep things warm. Third pic is the two mystery girls as I said. unknown parentage Fourth pic is my Northern Lights seedlings, just a week old next step I suppose is to introduce some form of air extraction with a carbon filter.


Well-Known Member
Ahhh... There you are, Bilbo my boy. It's good to see you tilling the earth, all Hobbits should, you know.

Good luck on your grow! I shall check in on you from time to time. And be careful. The enemy has spies everywhere and the eye is always watching. Still... happiness shall grow where there is light. :)

Bilbo Baggins

Well-Known Member
LoL Gandalf, sorry, I must use your Elvish name-- Mithrandir, you will have to do something about young Frodo, He;s always after my ring:bigjoint:

Bilbo Baggins

Well-Known Member
Wouldn't mind anyones comments on how you progress your grows with regards pot size, I see some folk start off their grow from seed in the same large pot they intend to finish in. The advice ten years ago that was commonly held on the old OVERGROW site was to progress up through 3 pot sizes only repotting when the plant was slightly rootbound in its existing pot, the commonly held reson for this was the plant responded better to the repotting in such circumstances, how do you work this ?

Bilbo Baggins

Well-Known Member
Nirvana Northern Lights 14 Days From Seed.jpgGroup Trainwreck Cuttings 21 Days + Nirvana Northern Lights 14 Days 2.jpgGroup. Trainwreck Cuttings 21 Days + Nirvana Northern Lights 14 Days.jpgTrainwreck Cutting 21 Days.jpgTime for an update,In the last week my two cuttings previously known a '' Mystery Girls '' have grown maybe four inches and branched out considerably, A little yellowing of the larger shade leaves is beginning, so to counter this I repotted up into 12 inch pots. Heres a slightly fuzzy pic of one of them which now is just Trainwreck because it is that strain which the original grower ;;Thinks '' it might have been.My Nirvana Northern Lights seeds now sit at 14 days and are lovely wee girls, so far so good. Third pic is a group pic showing the two Trainwrecks and The four Nirvana Northern Lights. And the last pic is an in situ group pic with lights on.

Bilbo Baggins

Well-Known Member
45W Tubular Heater.jpgGrow Room Improvement. Its amazing what you find lying around when you look closely, this here has been lying around a cupboard at my work for years without anyone particularly noticing it. Its a 45W tubular heater used I think to stop outside electrical cabinets from freezing up, naturally my probing mind regocnised that it could be used for a grow room. I've recently noticed that during the 6 hour dark period of my grow closet the temps get down to around 60 degrees f. Well this should fix that, rather than spend money on a thermostat, I'll start off by wiring this baby ( I'm an Electrician BTW ) to switch on during the dark period in the grow closet and see how the temps behave.

Oo S0uP oO

Active Member
Nice work man, agreed about getting a pH pen and ppm meter, will make things a lot easier for you in the long run :)

She's a nice looking plant though mate, nice thick stem on her!!

Easty you crack me up bro you revived a thread that was over a year old and now its up and going again:) Jokes dude! -S0uP

Bilbo Baggins

Well-Known Member
The Road goes ever on and on----down from the door from where it began-----and I must follow if I can----pursuing it with weary feet----until it meets some larger way------------and whither then--------------I cannot say. --------Bilbo Baggins.


Well-Known Member
Ah the shire! I didnt know you little hobbitses smoked the kind. It all makes sense now, us elves have been on the bandwagon for years now, hence our superior evolution and well developed ears.

Bilbo Baggins

Well-Known Member
Stoned Gollum.jpgWho says we cant grow good weed in the Shire, I mean try telling me this Guy hasn't just blasted a bong of Shire Cheese