Bikers for trump. Great people....great people


Well-Known Member
Cox highlighted one incident, where he said a protester spat on a biker and made an explicit gesture toward him.
"The biker gave him a knuckle sandwich, dislodged the nose ring and then he massaged his face with his knuckles several times after that," he said. "The police witnessed it, they walked up, they believed that the biker had reason to believe the protester was there to do harm to him, and they told the biker to have a nice day."

Bikers for Trump Founder on Clashes with Protesters on Inauguration Day - Fox News


Well-Known Member
Ain't that a MOFO, though, for real? My father slaughtered nazis, en masse, throughout Europe nearly eighty years ago, and now their sycophants/'spiritual goose steppers' plague us to this very day, tsk tsk tsk....sad shame...

Here's to you, 'Greatest Generation':

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Well-Known Member
Found this sex trafficker's( Chris Cox) face book page. Check out this pic of his nazi biker freind, just the tip of the ice Berg. He has over two thousand deplorable friends to investigate.View attachment 3883498
bikers are just such vile scumbags, especially the bikers for trump.

before any of you mayo jars get upset, i'm not referring to those of you who ride one day a week to prove to the world that you aren't defined solely by your inability to give your wife an orgasm.


Well-Known Member
Most of the bikers I know (hundreds) are NOT Trump supporters. Nor are they Hillary supporters. They're not fair weather riders either. I think you'll find the majority of "Bikers for Trump" are the same asshats that couldn't hack a real club or earn a real patch. The biker "lifestyle" has been completely watered down over the last 10 yrs with middle-aged tools on the verge of a mid-life crisis. They truly believe that by buying a Harley and covering themselves in head to toe HD gear that it somehow gives them cred as a bad ass. Remember, this was a lifestyle these posers condemned yrs ago. They seriously believe that HD has some kind of magical power to restore their lost testosterone. LOL. Nowadays, these clowns are a dime a dozen during bike week, and they continually get harassed and made fun of when they walk past the HAs and affiliate clubs because they're so easy to spot. The bikers I grew up with (and this is deeply engrained in my fam) absolutely live outside of the box and hate government and elitists. Anarchist if you will. This shit about Bikers for Trump is just more noise and bullshit. I'm sure there will be a few stories but no way was this any kind of "movement" within the biker community.

Also, I'm in no way condoning the questionable behavior the true 1%ers are known for. Believe me, I've seen some crazy fucked up shit, but it should be known that these guys have a deep hatred for authority or any type of law enforcement. This is the last type of event they'd endorse. They've never been on the "right" side of the law. Sure, they've paid off cops/officials but they'll never be on the same side of the law. Never. Chris Cox is a joke to the Left and he's an even bigger joke amongst the clubs. The uneducated alt right Trump Supporters are just the type to eat his words up like gospel.
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