BigPapaClutch's 1st indoor - Cheese

I recently went indoor. I've been growin' outdoors since before Nixon was in office. This is my first attempt indoors.

I bought some Cheese seeds from an exelent breeder. I also have some seeds from a friend that ended up crossing anywhere from 4-7 strains. (he had 50 plants, 10 of them males, 7 different strains. Got locked up, now 6 mo. after he gets locked up, ther's a shit load of these seeds. All were kick ass strains prior).

I germed two of the Cheese and 4 of the others on 12 - 6 - 10. I just threw 'em in Rapid Rooters with 1/4" water in a nice warm spot. (I don't use the paper towel method or pre-soak)

24hrs later, the cheese had sprouted and 36 hrs later two others sprouted. The other two took 5 days for one to poke out and 6 days for the other.

Last night I transfered the 2 cheese and 2 others into 3 gal bags full of FFOF.

The other to are still in the RR's under two 4' t8s.

I will post pics as soon as I figure out how to work this damn digital camera! My girlfriend's gonna have to show me again. (I lived without any power from 1967 - 2008 besides a telephone.)
Quick update, The two Cheese plants are twice the size of the others. It has been almost two weeks. Last night I added two more 4' 6500k lights. One of the "others" I noticed has brown tips. It hasn't had any nutes yet, just Fox Farm's Ocean Forest soil. The plants are 3 - 4" away from the tube lights. I know it has not been over fert. or is getting burned. I will keep a close eye on her until she shows me anything different.

The cheese is working on it's third set of leaves while the others are just sprouting their second set. Super slow compared to outdoor, but, in the middle of a snow storm, you can't beat it! Indoor is pretty nice. Less wood rats.

No pics yet. I feel retarded that I can't use a camera.
Day 17:

The girls are looking great! No pics yet... fighting with girlfriend... I am putting 6 cfl's in with the plants. Now I am running four 4' 6500k tubes, and now 6 2700k cfl's providing side lighting. I fashioned a 3 socket light strip with 3 of the 'Y' splitters plugged in. Only about 6,000 lumens total 2700k cfl's and 14,000 lumens with the 6500k. I've been told that a blend of reds and blues during vegging would be a good thing for my lil' ladies.

In the next two weeks I will slowly start to introduce FF Grow Big to the nutes.

Also, I came up with some ideas for names for some of the strains that are unidentifiable: Shangai Express, Daredevil, Honeycomb, Jumping Jack, L.B. kush, Grasshopper, and The Rainman. Let me know what you crazy kids want to hear when you buy a bag. And not just 'FREE' or "Half price day"... Doesn't work.
Day 24:

Girls are coming along nicely. Just purchased a 400w MH/HPS system on Ebay for $150. So, when the package arrives (3-5 days) I'll hook up their light in their new grow area. Currently they are in closet, flat White paint, the whole sha-bang. Another two weeks under that and I should have signs of pre-flowers to let me know they are ready for 12-12 under the HPS bulb.

Waiting for income tax check to buy a 1000w system for future grows. I plan on veggin' under the 400w MH and flowerin' under the 1000w HPS. Bring in a new generation of girls every 3-4 weeks, completing the cycle most commonly referred to as "The Circle Life". Every time I think of it the soundtrack for Lion King goes through my head...
Yeah, I'm planning on getting a carbon filter here in the next week or two. Saw some DIY filters on Youtube. Gonna give it a try...
Seeings how I want to keep the gals fairly short, I fimmed one of the ladies today. Never had to worry about height before. I have 9' ceilings. I could go big, just not with the lights I got now.
My first FIM job. I'm pretty proud of myself. Looks just like all the pictures in grow bibles and guides.

Something happened with the light purchase. Some kinda credit card mumbo jumbo. So, I'm going to order it with cash at the local nursary. No receipts, no problem. Costs 'bout 20 bucks more, I'll take what I can, give nothin' back.

I swear I'll figure out this darn camera situation. Just the buttons are so small...
Okay, so I had a wild hair up my ass, and decided to add an additional three CFL's. Now I'm rockin' nine 60w equivalent 2700k CfL's, and four 6500k tubes. It adds up to be 19000 lumens and just under 250 watts. Runnin' out of room for more lights. Can't wait till I get the 400w system.
It's been 24hrs. No signs of shock, matter-of-fact, grew about 1''-1 1/2"! Little growth on one side of the fim. Looks like I did it right. There looks like four brand new tops.
Last night I fimmed the other Cheese and one strain I've been calling 'Daredevil'. Things are going smoothly. Not sure if I'm gonna start feedin' 'em yet. They've been in the same soil for about 3 weeks. The feeding outline guide I have says I should start. The girls haven't shown any sign that they want to get fed. I just might wait for some sort of sign before I feed 'em.

Today I'm gonna order a 400w MH/HPS digital system from my gardening center and swing by Walmart to get a CAMERA that I can use. Have the gal down there go over it with me. (Girls are suckers for helping out good looking old guys!)

Maybe some pics later...
Sorry about not keeping up with my post.

It is day 54 from seed. I purchased a 400w MH/HPS light. The girls have been in 12/12 for 17 days. I only have 3 plants flowering now. (had to pull some males) I started them on 1-11. The two cheese plants are doing just fine. The daredevil has yellowing lower leaves with green veins and some dark blotches. At first I thought over fert. So, I flushed right away and have been keeping an eye on her. I have slowly began to introduce nutes back, but, so far no improvement. I looked up in my old grow bible and it could be the opposite. A lack of N-P-K. I'm holding the nutes steady at 1/4 strength.

The nutes I've been using are FF Grow Big during veg, then FF Big Bloom, FF Tiger Bloom, and FF open seasme when I switched to flower. I understand that these nutes are powerful, especially compared to using them outdoors. (More dirt, more forgiveness.) I started at .25 strength week 1 of flower. Week 2 of flower I increased it to .333 strength. Next week I'll increase it to .5 depending on what the girls tell me.

As it turns out, I messed up FIMing. I didn't cut enough on two of them, then on the other I cut too much. I call it FIT (fuck I topped!) I fimmed one other plant I have in veg, Came out fantastic!

The next generation of girls will be introduced to 12-12 in the next week or so. Following them, another 3-4 weeks will be the third gen. I'm happy with my purchase of Fem Cheese seeds. They germ super fast, Tollerate nutes very well, and smell good.

Only two weeks into flower and starting to smell. Haven't gotten a Charcoal filter yet. It's becoming a number 1 priority. A real earthy, musky, skunk-like, odor that will punch you in the face when you open the grow room door. I love it. The cheese has had a smell from about 14 days old. It gets stronger a little everyday.

Got to wait for lights to come on and I will do this photo thing. Truthfully, I'm paranoid about taking pictures.
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This is pretty much what I'm workin with.
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Cheese 18 days into flower
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Cheese 18 days from seed
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Cheese I tried fimming but it came out topping
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What I like to call "Daredevil".

Told ya I'd have pics sooner or later.
The girls are doing good. Tomorrow I will head down to the local hydro shop and grab some Beastie Bloomz. I'm using the FF line up. (grow big, big bloom, tiger bloom, open seasme for now.) I've been feeding every other watering, starting at 1/4 strength. So far so good. Indoor plants in bags are less forgiving than ones planted in a big hole outdoors. I had a little burn issue but, I flushed really well and they seem to be doing quite well now.

Thinking about trying out DWC. Saw some DIY videos on youtube. Looks way easier than I had thought. I should have one five gallon bucket set up in the next two weeks or so. Also, I'm thinking of getting either a 1000w light system or 2 600w systems. I know that two 600w lights are better than one 1000w light. Another reason I'm thinking about going 600w is I have a noise issue. The 400w ballast is completely silent. I know that 1000w ballasts make that dreadful hum. I would imagine that 600w ballast would be quieter and I can benefit from the extra lighting.

Let me know any input you guys (and gals) might have. I'm not going to make the purchase for another week or two. Want to make sure I've made up my mind. (It's a very serious, long term commitment)
Allright well, I got fucked on my money. Can't go to the hydro store for another week or so. So, I have been using the Open Seasme for 3 weeks. It is time for Beastie Bloomz, according to my feeding schedule. Can I just keep on feeding O.S. until I get the Beastie Bloomz? Beastie bloomz is 0-50-30 O.S. is 5-45-19. Can I make up for the less potassium by making a egg shell fertilizer? It's what we did for years outdoors when we needed K in homemade fertilizer. The egg shells are rich in K and cal.
Or should I just stick reg feeding of O.S. until I get Beastie Bloomz? By then it will be one feeding of Beastie Bloomz then off to Cha Ching.

I might just stick with O.S. big bloom, and tiger bloom for now. If it ain't broke, don't fix it, right?
I stuck with the regular tiger bloom, big bloom, and Open Seasme for one more additional feeding. I was able to get a hold of some Beastie bloomz. Now I'm back on track as far as nutes go. I'm currently using 3 teaspoons of big bloom, 2 teaspoons of tiger bloom, 2 teaspoons grow big, and 1/4 teaspoon of Beastie Bloomz per gallon every other feeding. It sounds like alot but, the Cheese loves it. I'm in about the middle of the fifth week of flower. The girls seem to be doing well. Still nice and green with lots of bud sites. I will take more pics when they enter the sixth week.
Beautiful. Starting to get a frosting of glistening tricomes, while the calyx's are swelling up nicely. Except for the daredevil, the buds aren't swelling up. I thought it may have been getting too hot but, the temps never get above 82 degrees. Normally the temps are between 65 - 77 degrees. The temps reach 80 at the end of the day, only for about an hour. Then the lights go out, temps lower.
Thinking about getting a 600w light to add. It would easily double the amount I could have flowering at one time. Running out of room...
Day 40 of flowering.

The girls are looking pretty good

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This is the Cheese I topped
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This is another Cheese. Really stackin' up better than I expected for my first time indoors with a 400w bulb.
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Same, just closer. Startin to frost over pretty well.
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First day of flowering! (For Gen 3) Cheese. Compact, full, and already stinkin'
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This is Honeycomb. Three weeks into flower. A real sweet smell already. Kind of like a cross of honey and mint.

I've been feeding Beastie Bloomz for two weeks. Gonna switch to Cha Ching here pretty soon. That should produce more of those sticky tricomes we have all learned to know and love...

Another flush and 2 weeks of that, after that, straight water til harvest. Looks like I might have some pretty good smoke after all.

Tomorrow I'm gonna buy a bucket, air pump, net, and some expanded clay balls. Slap together a basic DWC bubbleponics system. I've been studying up on it and, well, it seems pretty easy. I'm the type of guy that stays busy in the garden. Always checking PH, mixing water, making fert solutions, cleaning... I make it a 'round the clock operation. Hydro seems like I will do fine. I have plenty of time to keep a close eye on things and I have common sense.