
Well-Known Member
Ugh ungrateful people! I took a friend of mine a bud she was dry and I was being nice keep in mind I grew this fucker but she does not know this.I hand over said bud no thank you she just kind of eyeballs it and says "it shore is sparkly" and that was that, I mean come on a simple thanks is not too much to ask especially being that it was quite sparkly.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
me and my gf are going to myrtle beach for a few days after my birthday wednesday and ummm... i could use some sparkly buds.... *wink* *wink*

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
When I was a teenager, my best friend and I used to smoke pot together. Well, out of the woodwork comes "Joy". Joy never has any pot of her own. Over and over she comes by to partake of our goods and never share. Finally we tell her about it.So the next day, Joy excitedly proclaims, "I brought some for ya!" She reaches into her cigarette pack and proudly hands us a pinner. After that, we just smoked in front of Joy. She stopped hanging around.(quote:Today 11:06 AM Pookiedough Ugh ungrateful people! I took a friend of mine a bud she was dry and I was being nice keep in mind I grew this fucker but she does not know this.I hand over said bud no thank you she just kind of eyeballs it and says "it shore is sparkly" and that was that, I mean come on a simple thanks is not too much to ask especially being that it was quite sparkly.bongsmiliequote)


Well-Known Member
Peanut Butter made from Valencia peanuts is by far the best I have ever tasted!! (I love it on my apples) Check your local Trader Joe's for more information. Come to think of it the oranges from there are supposed to be pretty good as well......I wonder if everything from Valencia tastes so good????
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Well-Known Member
WARNING: Not only am I high, but I took some shrooms that were supposed to be nothing, and now...I think I was lied to. This may...effect...affect....(I'm WAY too fucked up to deal with THAT shit today) posting.

was the movie saying oil men are psychos or could he have been a shoe salesman or grocer and still have the same story? and if the movie is saying oil men (and preachers) are psychos that is just plain dumb.

or most likely - i missed the point entirely.
OMG, when I read your post, I had this like, quick flash of what that movie would have been like if he were a shoe salesman or grocer....and it was awesome.

Thank you for that.

Peanut Butter made from Valencia peanuts is by far the best I have ever tasted!! (I love it on my apples) Check your local Trader Joe's for more information. Come to think of it the oranges from there are supposed to be pretty good as well......I wonder if everything from Valencia tastes so good????
The oranges are BOMB. Mmmm, now I want one...but I can't drive in this condition. I'm not even sure I should be posting in this condition...


Well-Known Member
yeah. i'd never had it before, but been exposed many times ... blistery, itchy, miserable. had an interview all day .. had to bandage my arms to prevent it bleeding through my white shirt . fuck this!


New Member
I had had that about 4 times so far and it sucks big time.
You would think I would have caught on by now :|


Well-Known Member
How do all ??? Shoot I hope todays better than yesterday.......Boy was that the pits....
in high school I went over to a female friends house to help set up for a birthday party.

I helped make the fruit salad, so I pitted cherries for ... oh, I don't know ... an hour? anyway, this girls mom is notorious for making really bad jokes and it always made my friend self conscious about being around her and embarrassing her and what not. so, in the middle of pitting these cherries, hanging out with 15+ friends ... her mom says to me "pittin cherries huh?" I say "yup" she says .... wait for it ....

"THAT'S THE PITS!!!" LAWL ... I sorta chuckled, but the look on my friends face was unforgettable. just beet red and dying of shame. (we were all about 15 or 16 at the time)

so yea, now years later it's still a joke with her and her mom, except now weed is involved openly rather than secretly :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Fucking dogs woke me up @4:45am wanting to go outside ... Im cranky now .. and I have to go to the DMV @8am... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr