Active Member
confucious says dumb man climb tree to get cherry, wise man spread limbs.
confucious says panties not best thing on earth but next too it.
confucious says It is good for girl to meet boy in park, but better for boy to park meat in girl.
confucious says Man who take sleeping pill and laxative on the same night will wake up in deep sh*t.
confucious says Wise man never play leapfrog with unicorn.

and check this out


Oracle of Hallucinogens
All my off topic subscriptions are long gone... Suprised to see this one kicking, with all the filth within!

nice to know you're all here... still wasting time one doobie after another...
You are painting everyone with the same brush, that is not really fair, now is it? Your statement automatically says I am "filth" and that I:
1) Waste my time
2) am perma-high

I never have said anything bad about you..


New Member
He got me to thinking ... so I solved time travel while I was blogging so as not to waste my time.

Hey... I just said that....


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Waste -
  • spend thoughtlessly; throw away
  • use inefficiently or inappropriately

I am not being thoughtless, nor am I throwing away my time.. I am biding my time awaiting the the evening hours so I may see my friends. Hence, it is not inefficient, nor inappropriate.


Well-Known Member
Yes you did... Care to share? I want to learn the time travel ways;)

Till then....... hmmm hmm hmmmmmm, I'm just wasting my time... hmmmm hmmm hmm


:cuss:Spelling lesson:cuss:

The last 4 letters in American are ... I CAN:blsmoke:
The last 4 letters in Republican are ... I CAN:blsmoke:

The last 4 letters in Democrats are ... RATS:eyesmoke: