Morning all..............

[San JoseMercury News]:
> An unidentified man, using a shotgun like a club to break a
> former girlfriends windshield, accidentally shot himself to death when
> the gun discharged,blowing a hole in his gut.

Some people are so stupid its amazing they can breath..I worked at a GM dealer and this ass starts hammering the regulator on an oxygen tank.... 150LB torpedo isn't something I want to be near....:shock:

Hello to all!

Hello back...:leaf:
they used to knock me out but the next day i could barely get out of bed. i did give my woman one years ago and she let me hit the browneye one time. she laughs and says the pill made it happen. i say it was my charm...:clap:

Ahhh...! Suppositories .....:o

You really think I'd just forget about you cuz you changed your av? :roll::razz::hug:

I am a power seller at ebay and I am having a fight with those paypal motherfuckers....excuse me...

I have a shit load of sports cards but know shit about ebay.. got Federov's rookie card.. years ago I sold a Lou Gerig(sp) 12 thought that was good till I found out it was worth $120..:wall:

Oh yes, my virgin ears! *Wikid covers her ears*

Ear hugs....:hug::hug:
hopefully this is the last post in this thread for 2008... dont post anymore, I wana be the last to post here this year... you can be the first to post next year...
I won't be on again for a couple days probably or maybe not, but

Happy new years everyone WOO!


Happy new years Earth! Whooohooo! :D

Check out My signature to learn the secrets about UFOs, clean energy, potential cure for cancer, politics, religion, and all sorts of interesting things!

