BOSTON -- Massachusetts police may no longer be able to arrest people for having a small amount of hashish, because a new law that decriminalizes possessing up to an ounce of marijuana could apply to other drugs with the same psychoactive ingredient, according to guidelines issued Monday.
[San JoseMercury News]:
> An unidentified man, using a shotgun like a club to break a
> former girlfriends windshield, accidentally shot himself to death when
> the gun discharged,blowing a hole in his gut.
Those pharmas with few exceptions don't cure what a good puff does.. Don't worry...I'm no Canuck Drug Mart... don't need the grief

Jail guy takes those seroquel and rivatrol (chlor****) turns him into a complete ass.. the guys a fucking menace..... I did them for a month and it took a month to get my shit feeling right again.. I just took them no Rx....:dunce:
they used to knock me out but the next day i could barely get out of bed. i did give my woman one years ago and she let me hit the browneye one time. she laughs and says the pill made it happen. i say it was my charm...:clap:
Me and my friend we're chattin and dreaming of a day where we can have a small herb garden of plants, and it is a welcome sight. Everyone grows, everyone smokes..... Everyone has their own little strain they like, and we our strains freely as we share our joints......

What a beautiful world.