How many pages has this post ben just pure filthnastyness?

Oh dont worry Im loving it.:hump:

I thought it was common practice to always ask your bird if she kept her old school uniform. Chances are its at least 4 sizes too small then ;)

You american chaps are just exra lucky with your cheerleader shit! dammnnn :mrgreen:
I once saw a bird shit on a girl I couldn't stand. Made my fuckin day.

My 1st encounter was when I was about 8 years old.. I rode my bike about 3 miles to the Dairy Queen (against parents orders)..I got my ill gotten booty and was about to take a big lick...then SPLAT...a bird shit on my ice cream cone....cried like home and whooped and cried again..:cry:


Damn straight......and don't forget it..................................................................
Oh yeah......bite me...:mrgreen:

The only pet worse than birds is probably fish. I like pets you can PET

Had a black molly that would stay at the side I was at and just stare at me....freaky fish....

My dad once took me to the store, said he was goin to buy me a bunch of fish, bought me a big bag full of fish, took them home, and let them loose in his tank. Then his big fish ate them all.

Years later I realized they were FEEDER fish, and that asshole was just feeding his mosnter fish.
My parents did an asshole thing when I was young..they took me to "put my cat down"... while I was outside I looked into a garage..
F***.. In those days they didn't use lethal injections...they gassed them in these big dryer looking things and I saw some fuckhead tossing cats into the death chamber..... I never forgave my c*** smoking parents...

wusup internet loafers

How do dude ? :mrgreen:

Impeach BUSH before its to late!

YouTube - Countdown: War Crimes Prosecutions Possible

The REVOLUTION has begun!


Now that the Sudanese President has been charged with war crimes...etc... maybe they, as Muslims will file charges against Bush. I would buy popcorn and watch that incompetent, get marched away..
Now that the Sudanese President has been charged with war crimes...etc... maybe they, as Muslims will file charges against Bush. I would buy popcorn and watch that incompetent, get marched away..

HAHA, nice smileys! :mrgreen:

If you don't like Bush you will like this... YouTube - Bush sucks!!

The people need to WAKE UP!

The REVOLUTION has begun!



i think his name should be Me TaRdED instead:mrgreen:

why bring us all into it with the "We" Devolution into maddness


spendin too much time on utube i think
I just got off the phone with the Pa game commision . It is illegal to sell any bear "parts" without a permit.......and checking the records and making sure the bear was harvested "legally" (these were) So after all the searching and questions it urns out the Permit is $5.00 and there is NO CAP on what you can sell it for ,The permit is good for 90 days ..

So get a good look these fuckers are going "UP FOR SALE"


Everytime I see We Tarded post I think of this:Not-The-Final Fantasy XII


Every time I see Re Tarded post I think of the stereotypically worthless stoner conspiracy theorist sitting on the couch with a joint in his hand bitching about how fucked up the world is and doing nothing about it, not to mention bothering to get his facts straight.

"Yeah, man. It's like the man is just trying to bring us down, man. Everybody's just sheeple, man. They don't realize that the corporate propaganda machine is brainwashing everyone, man."

The view of Re Tarded and his ilk of America is something like this. It's a little more complicated (man).
Bears are smoking our weed! This is worse than taking our honey or our pic-a-nic-type baskets!

Stephen Colbert' Threat Down is going to hear about this!