My dad once took me to the store, said he was goin to buy me a bunch of fish, bought me a big bag full of fish, took them home, and let them loose in his tank. Then his big fish ate them all.

Years later I realized they were FEEDER fish, and that asshole was just feeding his mosnter fish.

I used to have Oscar's and snakeheads I would throw 30-40 feeder goldfish in there and they would eat them up in a matter of min... :hump:
i had 2 older sisters. i could tell a few stories. :evil::evil:

I love stories! Let's hear em!

I was the oldest, but I had an uncle who was very young when I was born, so he kinda was like an older brother. He liked to play this drinking game with us. He would pull out a 40, and we had until he was done to hide. God help the first person he found. Usually my youngest brother
I love stories! Let's hear em!

I was the oldest, but I had an uncle who was very young when I was born, so he kinda was like an older brother. He liked to play this drinking game with us. He would pull out a 40, and we had until he was done to hide. God help the first person he found. Usually my youngest brother

Dude, wtf?????????

lmao, what? Rape? Jesus you guys. Whoever got found got beat up, not anal rape....:shock: What kinda games did YOU GUYS play as children?
bad games
very bad games
You know the same game anyone plays growing up.... Guess Who is Raping Me?, Trouser Snakes and Lads, Hungry Hungry Homosexuals, etc.
I love stories! Let's hear em!

I was the oldest, but I had an uncle who was very young when I was born, so he kinda was like an older brother. He liked to play this drinking game with us. He would pull out a 40, and we had until he was done to hide. God help the first person he found. Usually my youngest brother

they used to pin me down and drip water in my ear. drop by drop by drop by drop by drop