Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Amen,masta.If this is her first time, you tell her stoney said go ahead and get an epidural.There's no reason to hurt.Also,make sure your blood types are known, because it doesn't really affect the first kid, but it could any others...if you have a positive rh (like O positive, for example) and she has negative(like O negative),then if you guys have more kids, you will need the rhogram shot.A lot of docs don't tell you that.
thanks bong man. i cant wait to raise him right and hopefully teach him how to be a good dude.:bigjoint:we need less knuckleheads in the world lol.

30 seconds??? you guys must really take your time.:-P

thanks stoney, i am a happy man.:lol: now i will have a little version of me to torture my wife lol.


Well-Known Member
All my sperm just wander around, and when they encounter the egg they must just ask to chill and get high and forget what they're supposed to do... :?


Well-Known Member
Amen,masta.If this is her first time, you tell her stoney said go ahead and get an epidural.There's no reason to hurt.Also,make sure your blood types are known, because it doesn't really affect the first kid, but it could any others...if you have a positive rh (like O positive, for example) and she has negative(like O negative),then if you guys have more kids, you will need the rhogram shot.A lot of docs don't tell you that.
you know what's a pain in the ass? having O(not sure if i'm + or -) and hating needles. I mean I really want to give blood but.....*shiver*. haha actually my mom has a much more hilarious problem. she's like right at the minimum wait requirement so when ever she wants to give blood she has to go get weighed because sometimes she's over and sometimes under.:bigjoint: they're always calling and asking "do you weigh enough yet?" (she too has O blood). Often her response is "no i'm not fat enough". :blsmoke:

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I'm O negative, which is the universal donor.However, I have small, deep veins...when they draw blood, they have to use a butterfly needle and take it from my hand.They told me I can't give plasma because putting the blood back in would blow out my veins, and I just can't see giving blood unless they pay me for it.
you know what's a pain in the ass? having O(not sure if i'm + or -) and hating needles. I mean I really want to give blood but.....*shiver*. haha actually my mom has a much more hilarious problem. she's like right at the minimum wait requirement so when ever she wants to give blood she has to go get weighed because sometimes she's over and sometimes under.:bigjoint: they're always calling and asking "do you weigh enough yet?" (she too has O blood). Often her response is "no i'm not fat enough". :blsmoke: