Fuck yeah, I haven't clicked the link yet, but I'm thinking you're takking about a video of a subaru on Deal's Gap, I've driven that pass several times myself, I used to drive to Columbia SC from here every other month, and instead of going through Asheville, I'd cut through Gatlinburg, hit up some sweet roads, and continue through Maggie Valley and catch the highway...

I've got some stories of those drives... Passing in the sand median at 100+ (thought the sand was pavement)... Running from the cops 3 times in one trip through NC... Never caught... Top End against a Saleen for over an hour... (150+ MPH from Columbia to Asheville)... Making a ten hour drive in six...

Yeah, stories...

I'm gonna get on a real computer and click those links.

Thanks tips.
Oh... I'm watching King of the Hill right now. It's the episode where Hank get's stoned and blamed for Debbie's murder...

-Hank "You think there gonna drug test Debbie's co-workers"

-Dale "Are you kidding? There gonna drug test everyone in Arlen! The price for a bag of clean urine will double!"

-Bill "What about poo-poo?"

-Dale "Un...changed."
-Dale "Are you kidding? There gonna drug test everyone in Arlen! The price for a bag of clean urine will double!"

-Bill "What about poo-poo?"

-Dale "Un...changed."

Gotta love it! The guy who does Dale's voice used to live down the street from me in Austin, a couple houses down from Lee harvey Oswald's daughter. Ahh old Austin....:blsmoke::peace:
I wonder if Oswald's daughter got a huge settlement for her father being turned into a patsy...

I also wonder if Dale is similar in real life...

And then I wonder, is Boomhauer's voice that of Matthew McConehey?
I wonder if Oswald's daughter got a huge settlement for her father being turned into a patsy...

I also wonder if Dale is similar in real life...

And then I wonder, is Boomhauer's voice that of Matthew McConehey?
didn't oswald's daughter write a book?

I believe your right about boomhauer...
Yeah, so you're a Ford guy... I'm into Mopar... My dad had a 70 SuperBee, 440 Hemi, sold it... Then we restored a 74 Dart Sport (basically a Dodge Demon, just called a Dart sport in 73-74) same car as a Duster... It's got a fully built 340 smallblock, my Subie is way faster though.
I wonder if Oswald's daughter got a huge settlement for her father being turned into a patsy...

I also wonder if Dale is similar in real life...

And then I wonder, is Boomhauer's voice that of Matthew McConehey?

If lee harvey's daughter had any cash, i never saw signs of it...she would be invited out for dinner by conspiracy theorists once in a while...she liked her cats and had a garage sale every weekend...I left her alone, she couldn't help it dad was a patsy.

Jonny hardwick (sp?) used to do standup here, and alot of it was freakish observational stuff about texas, conspiracies, drugs...That's the best I can recall. Oh yeah, that's Dale.

Boomhaur just sounds like a regular texan to me...what are you guys talking about?

MM....last i remember local news about him he got arrested for disturbing the peace, he was playing bongos naked on the drag :clap:

Ah yes, the Road Runner W/440...crashed one into a building after drinking a bottle of beefeaters w/a side of darvon. Good thing I was so relaxed, I coulda got killed :o
Yeah, so you're a Ford guy... I'm into Mopar... My dad had a 70 SuperBee, 440 Hemi, sold it... Then we restored a 74 Dart Sport (basically a Dodge Demon, just called a Dart sport in 73-74) same car as a Duster... It's got a fully built 340 smallblock, my Subie is way faster though.

Those Darts and dusters were real common cheap cars to fix up.....

Those Darts and dusters were real common cheap cars to fix up.....

yeah, for good reason. the dart's for a few years had an X groove in the under carriage that would collect salt (where they use it 4 snow removal) that would occasionally "pop out" at inopportune times

still like em when their solid though.