
Well-Known Member
Merry Christmas everyone..

I am toking up right now.. But just plan to relax the whole day and spend time with friends/family.

I hope everyone's xmas turns out to be good. Wow I just wanna light this bowl in dedication to RIU. Happy tokin everyone:joint::joint:


Well-Known Member
So Twisty , Whats on the agenda today ?
My friend just left..because of shitty weather he was stuck in the US.. So I got a couple of g's..... its OK, but nothing to write home about...:joint:
What's your day... I guess eating isn't #1 right now for China.. Its a real warm day here.. +3.... Besides that I've got no plans.. I told jail guy he could pop in..being Xmas and all.... Need food....:weed:


Well-Known Member
Well Its nice that you got some buds .. Its also nice to feed the hungry ...

I'm Installing a new Medicine Cabinet and light For China today , And after that Nothing at all..


Well-Known Member
Well Its nice that you got some buds .. Its also nice to feed the hungry ...

I'm Installing a new Medicine Cabinet and light For China today , And after that Nothing at all..
I was going to feed myself but it seems that after not smoking in 8+ days I seem to have caught a buzz....... This has become a major event.......


Well-Known Member
Wow, I can't go a day without smoking... I totally flip out when I don't have anything... 8 days...

I'm working until 4 then I'm going to celebrate with the family... :roll:

Saw a girl I haven't seen in more than a year today, i think it's a christmas sign... I should give her a call.


Well-Known Member
Wow, I can't go a day without smoking... I totally flip out when I don't have anything... 8 days...

I'm working until 4 then I'm going to celebrate with the family... :roll:

Saw a girl I haven't seen in more than a year today, i think it's a christmas sign... I should give her a call.
Yeah, sucks.. but everyone was stuck because of weather..