Ok i found 1! prob take 3 days swimming if i set off now.. i'll evict the natives lol fetch some seeds :mrgreen:
Any of u guys have a beer and toke?

I drink about 4 beers and smoke a few J's to chill out after work, but i gotta admit i do feel a bit shity in the morn, this kina shity... alarm clock goes off and usualy wakes me outa some cool dream ha ha, then reality hits...awww fuk i got get to work... then i usualy use the snooze function about 3 times... then finaly ge up and rush about to get to work.

Lol i do the same routine every morning, then when i get to work, it takes me atleast half an hour to get my shit together!

What the fuk is all that about?

Baz bro it's the beer.. Haven't drank about 3 years, feel fecking great. Not saying it will work for everyone.
Lol make sure its a big rock, and don't forget we gotta save some room to grow food aka munchies, and also we need some room for some biofuel right?

Whoa there buckeroo... We buy food.... grow weed...ok, ok.. some tomatoes well also peppers, but thats it.... Biofuel.. what are you some sort of radical ???.....:mrgreen::mrgreen:

or are we just walking about this island, getting wasted..i don't like to walk when im wasted, can we plant the munchie field right next to the weed field? also can i be the msnager of both these fields?

Got to stay near papers, bic lighters, beer...etc.... shore, as in real close off shore... :roll:
[FONT=times new roman,helvetica]Q: Why do seagulls live near the sea?
A: Because if they lived near the bay, they would be called bagels.

Come and knock on our door.....
We've been waiting for you......
Where the kisses are hers and hers and his,
Three's company too.

Come and dance on on our floor......
Take a step that is new.....
We've a loveable space that needs your face,
Three's company too.

You'll see that life is a frolic and laughter is calling for you......
Down at our rendez-vous,
Three's company, too!

Wait, were we talking about something?
Good morning everyone

Come and knock on our door.....
We've been waiting for you......
Where the kisses are hers and hers and his,
Three's company too.

Come and dance on on our floor......
Take a step that is new.....
We've a loveable space that needs your face,
Three's company too.

You'll see that life is a frolic and laughter is calling for you......
Down at our rendez-vous,
Three's company, too!

RIP John Ritter... The gayest straight man to take the stage.

Best role; Sling Blade...