Yeah, the filter....but, my brother cracks em open and cleans them all the time....but I guess I wouldn't do that if I wasn't absolutely sure of how to reassemble.:mrgreen:
you mean the filter/screen? cuz i already did that. im not about to open up this air conditioner and give her a good rub down
I was gonna make pork chops tonight, but I decided maybe tomorrow instead.Friday night is usually fend for yourself night at my place.
too bad, cuz this rice & beans is bangin! damn my girl can cook. i love spanish food!!! aw man, had some fried pork chops about a hour ago... i swear they were better than sex(thats a lie, but u get the idea)...
I haven't watched Sesame Street in....two weeks...

lol, sorry, but really, I haven't seen the show since I was a kid and it taught me my ABC's. I was watching this stand up, and the guy started talking about how they've changed Sesame Street. How Cookie Monster now says "Cookies are a sometimes food"

So I asked some of the girls at work, and the confirmed that yep, Sesame Street's a changing. Apparently Oscar doesn't live in the trash can anymore....? They found him a home....What kind of bullshit is that?

And Cookie Monster can't be a cookie monster if cookies are a sometimes food! "C is for Cookie and cookie is for me"

Fucking bastards are ruining my childhood memories! Why can't they just come up with new characters, why must they fuck up mine?