what if u could sell it for the best one?

There is no soul better than mine....for me.

I imagine I'd be uncomfortable with someone else's know, me and my soul, we've been together so long. We're like THIS *holds up crossed fingers* I mean, we even finish each other's sentences....
i wonder if u can email someone your soul

I actually have (seriously, not joking) two scraps of paper that I have had since high school. They say "This is my soul" and are signed by the person -- in blood (lol, ok, that part's a lie). One of my friends sold me her soul for a dollar for the coke machine. The other soul was actually sold to someone else, and traded to me in exchange for half my bagel.
I actually have (seriously, not joking) two scraps of paper that I have had since high school. They say "This is my soul" and are signed by the person -- in blood (lol, ok, that part's a lie). One of my friends sold me her soul for a dollar for the coke machine. The other soul was actually sold to someone else, and traded to me in exchange for half my bagel.

was one of them names Milhouse?

i hope some1 saw that episode pf the simpson where Bart owned Milhouses soul
Ever since I was little, I've always believed that when you die, you get to know everything. And I hope that's true. When I die, I want all mysteries explained to me. I want to know if there really is a loch ness monster, and if so, wtf and htf? Big foot. Stone henge. The pyramids. Aliens. Who really shot JFK. Which came first, the chicken or the egg? (j/k about that last one, it was the chicken, obviously)

And I want these mysteries answered by God, in the form of a burning bush, cuz that was always my favorite of God's embodiments. Maybe He'll be a burning marijuana bush....and I can get a contact high just breathing Him in....
This one time, I was at the McDonald's drive thru with my friend, she was driving, and this crazy lookin guy came up to the window on her side and started trying to talk to us. At one point he asked me "Do you want my soul?" I said yes, and he ran away, with this CAPE billowing out behind him....

Just thought I'd share :grin:
fucking california....
There is no soul better than mine....for me.

I imagine I'd be uncomfortable with someone else's know, me and my soul, we've been together so long. We're like THIS *holds up crossed fingers* I mean, we even finish each other's sentences....
what if it was abrandnew soul???? right out of the box...
calm down billy winked and smiled to myself when wrote that...that was like an atta boy...

Well....seeing as how this is the INTERNET, and I can't tell WHAT you do to yourself when posting, maybe next time you should include the wink and smile in the post, so I'm not forced to regulate on your ass :wink: :grin:
868 pgs. thats pretty loooooooooong. nicely done. just adding to it, before i go smoke the last blunt of Oasis ='( .... until tomorrow =D!