damn how u gonna fit all 6'5" of me in the back? haha but it is a plane so i should have plenty of room
but im rollin !!!!!!!
lol, do any of you guys call "Not bitch" when you have to ride in the back? I have one group of friends where we call window, and another where we just call "not bitch" and whoever doesn't say it fast enough sits bitch.
damn how u gonna fit all 6'5" of me in the back? haha but it is a plane so i should have plenty of room
but im rollin !!!!!!!

i think you might be too tall to ride this ride.
fuck it i will be in the luggage hold with the weed, my bong, and a lighter.
2 things about that vid
was the white guy gene simmons
and was it just me or was the poker table changing colors?
I took my cousin flying last weekend (last time I'll fly for the boss man :( ) Here he is sittin' shotgun.
