And a good Friday to you too sir.... I've not heard of them, but there is the Australian Pink Floyd who are backed by Floyd.. they use the exact same stage and equipment..right down to the drum kit..... That should be fun.. I went to NYC once..that place blows my mind....damn near got busted scoring at 42nd and Broadway.. I was buying some smoke when the fucker looks over my shoulder and just starts running..Man I froze...
Just waiting for the hand on the shoulder....or tackle... old twisty don't jail well.... but the 2 cops just took off after the guy... guess they weren't tourist hunting........ thank the reefer gods... bongsmiliebongsmilie

In the city if you get caught smoking a joint its a ticket , get caught with anything under an ounce for personal use is still a ticket .. now dealing ............. your getting locked up ..
Should be great.. I saw Floyd at our olympic stadium outdoor 75,000 and in the forum at 20,000 both the Quad. shows.. worth the ticket hassle... So looks like you & me kid holding down the fort..... pretty barren stuff......... :(:(

I actually think all will return.. after all .. How can you NOT love this place and its cast of characters Its almost like Cheers ..Just with weed instead of booze . getting fuckin bud rot and i still have around 2 weeks till harvest...the fucked thing is its on my 2 favorite plants for my ive gotta go out and start hacking away at my imature ladies.......just had to vent to someone that might understand.......the guys at work just couldnt relate....
That really sucks, man.I'm sorry to hear about it.:hug: getting fuckin bud rot and i still have around 2 weeks till harvest...the fucked thing is its on my 2 favorite plants for my ive gotta go out and start hacking away at my imature ladies.......just had to vent to someone that might understand.......the guys at work just couldnt relate....
Hi Stoney..nice to see a familiar face...Korvette, tipsgnob and I tried to hold down the fort on the dayshift, to no avail....I give up.... see you in the funny pages...
501 least..i dont feel like clicking on it.. I'm posting because it said too......but that doesnt mean i would jump off a bridge if u told me to...Man im stoned
okay i am a NOOB!!! i admit it, but instead of being a bunch of stuck-up assholes (not saying u r but that there is a possibility u mite be) just answer my question.

i bought an ounce of reggie, yes im somewhat poor and cant afford dank shit all the time, but it came from a brick and was rly compressed. i havnt bot a scale yet so i took his word for it cuz hes been good to me in the past, but it doesnt look like an ounce at all. so, what would an ounce of rly compressed marijuana look like in terms of volume? it came in nugs, and takes up about the size of my palm, so did i gtet ripped cuz if i did ima beat the fuck outta his stoner ass!
soo . . . how exactly does this thread work? do i just post something random? (in which case i wont get a response to this post)
or does the conversation just flow from one topic to another?