
Well-Known Member
Twisty's travelling I guess, I've expecting him to call me but haven't heard from him yet. Don't know when he'll be home, we'll see him here when he is I'm sure.


Well-Known Member
Did you know its harder to kill a marijuana plant then it is to keep one alive:hump:
I totally believe it.

I transplanted a bunch of beauties outdoors without hardening off. They were all yellowed and munched a week later. Didn't water them for another almost two weeks, figured them dead, went back yesterday and they were showing nice, new green growth, and they will survive ... some neem oil and nutes and i'm sure they're gonna rock it.


Well-Known Member
thanks. *hits it just the right amount of times*

im looking to buy a new bong. ive been plagued by making poor design choices.

this one looks nice, cheap and practicle.
GrassCity.Com - Molino Pyrex Bong
That looks kinda like mine, only mine is taller, and tinted pink and has an ice catcher.

Yeah, a lot of times I'll get a bong that looks cool, and then I don't like the way it rips. Or it's impossible to clean. You seen the bongs with the twisted glass in the middle? I thought it looked nice, but that was a BITCH to clean.

Hi wikid and lacy, long time. Seen twisty and email about?
*tackles you to the ground and smothers you in real love cuz I can't rep you and I haven't seen you in FOR-EV-VER*

Who knows what that's from? You're a golden God if you know.

i'm around.. what's shaking 40?
come on email, don't let me down. You're already at golden god status in my eyes, do you know the quote?

Did you know its harder to kill a marijuana plant then it is to keep one alive:hump:
What'd you try to do?


Well-Known Member
the "sandlot" of course!
golden god!

yeah my last 3 bongs have beeen impossible to clean. and the last one was not very well balanced.

i would like an ice catcher now that you mention it.


Well-Known Member
the "sandlot" of course!
golden god!

yeah my last 3 bongs have beeen impossible to clean. and the last one was not very well balanced.

i would like an ice catcher now that you mention it.
*bows down before you*

YOU sir, are a golden god.

*showers you with praise and worship*

lol, yeah, I'm really into the quote game.


Well-Known Member
Party planning. And if I have time, swimming.


And where the FUCK did 40acres go? I know he didn't go disappearing on me right when I got all excited that he was here.

I need to smoke a bowl.


Well-Known Member
***: Yo man, tell me something about me.
xxx: You masturbate more than anyone on the planet.
***: Aw fuck, everyone knows that. Tell me something nobody knows.
xxx: When you do it, you're thinking about guys.
[a shocked %%%% stares at ***]
***: Dude, not all the time


Well-Known Member
haha. i read that just as i sparked my first morning bowl.

40 will be back. he always comes back.

party huh? whats the occasion?

i should go mow the lawn at my parents house, but swimming sounds much nicer.

beach or pool?


Well-Known Member
My best friend is getting married, so naturally, guess who gets to be the Maid of Honor? *halfhearted yay!* lol, it's kinda intimidating.

The party is a bridal shower I have to throw her next month. It's gotta rock, because....I'm throwing it, lol. I've just been waiting on her guest list, so I know who I've dealing with here.

And as for swimming, if I get to go, it'll be in the pool. Don't have time for the beach today.

God, the water felt SOOOO good yesterday.

*sparking MY bowl now*