
100% Authentic A$$Hole
My dear, you have no idea...I could be a fifty year old male truck driver whose massaging his boner to the picture of your ass that you have on that avatar!

I could be 29 years of age with a woman and 2 children also, but ya never know.....Im willing to gamble on occasion:hump:


Well-Known Member
*tackles dankdalia to the ground and smothers her in actual love cuz I can't rep her*

I feel like I haven't seen you that much! It's not a party without chu
i know. wikid has had to make up for the lack of estrogen around here. and still the thread goes to boners.


Well-Known Member
a boner feels like my head is pulsating immensely and the only remedy to releave it is to puke :hump:
THAT reminds me of THIS joke:

The pickle, the penis and the cucumber were all walking down the sidewalk discussing how horrible their lives were.

the cucumber says "Oh man, my life is the pits. People grow me all big and fat, then they cut me up and eat me!!"

The pickle speaks up "Dude, that's not bad. People grow me all big and fat, then they stick me in a jar of vinegar for two years, THEN cut me up and eat me!"

The penis shakes his head and says "That's nothing, man. Every night, people grow me all big and fat, then cover me in a weird rubber baggy, stick me in a dark cave and make me do pushups until i puke


Well-Known Member
I have estrogen!But I still can't bring myself to watch Lifetime!
*holds up my hand for Stoney to give me five*

Fuck lifetime, television for women my ASS. Television for femenists maybe.

They're always showing some movie about a woman getting abused and then finally fighting back. Or something. It's like a man hating station.