
Well-Known Member
Everything is possible is a paradox, it can't be in reality. Everything is possible means that things can exist in contradiction to themselves.

Come to a crossroads, and you can only go down one. There may be infinite possibilities, but they narrow as you make your choices

Am I making sense? I'm high, and making sense to myself....but that's not always good enough

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
infinity is easy to understand. humans have captured it in pi. never repeating and never terminating. always expanding learning and evolving.

when stoney talks about infinity.... I believe he/she is referring to that spot just beyond understanding.. just beyond infinity.... a place that infinity can not GO....

because infinity is a creation of the mind.... :mrgreen:

Infinity has an opposite...

The place of the GREAT ONE has no opposite... andtherefore th mind can not fathom such a place..

the mind is a mechanism that can only perceive through RELATIVITY... one object compared to another object...

SO .... one first must cultivate enough awareness to perceive without the mind... and then one can SEE...


Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Everything is possible is a paradox, it can't be in reality. Everything is possible means that things can exist in contradiction to themselves.

Come to a crossroads, and you can only go down one. There may be infinite possibilities, but they narrow as you make your choices

Am I making sense? I'm high, and making sense to myself....but that's not always good enough

yeah I understand.. you wanna get naked and and play doctor...

that's cool... I am a bit rusty.. haven't played since I was 7 years old....



Well-Known Member
Everything is possible is a paradox, it can't be in reality. Everything is possible means that things can exist in contradiction to themselves.

Come to a crossroads, and you can only go down one. There may be infinite possibilities, but they narrow as you make your choices

Am I making sense? I'm high, and making sense to myself....but that's not always good enough

of course it makes sense.

we need to accept that the only real control we have on our lives is entirely our responsibility. and stop blaming our mothers and fathers. be who you want.


Well-Known Member
of course it makes sense.

we need to accept that the only real control we have on our lives is entirely our responsibility. and stop blaming our mothers and fathers. be who you want.
YES. Have you read Ayn Rand? Have I asked you that before?

I think thats why a lot of us believe so desperately in an afterlife...because we can't comprehend nothingness.
That's not WHY, but I definately agree with you, I can't comprehend NOT BEING


Well-Known Member
I think thats why a lot of us believe so desperately in an afterlife...because we can't comprehend nothingness.
it think it is because no one knows what happens when you die. i think we live forever through the infinite trickle down influence we have on this reality. that is the only certain "afterlife" anyone of us is ensured.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
stop blaming our mothers and fathers. .


FOOKING A, you are on a role...

blaming is the origin of anger.... AND all anger is delusion...


when ONE is angry they are delusional...

THIS IS THE CROWN JEWEL... the entry ticket into eternal LOVE...

This is the SIGN POST that points directly to the door...

the door into FREEDOM and eternity..


stop blaming people..... IT is only YOU.... ahahahahahahah



Well-Known Member
your eyes and your ears are your downfall, Does a def man still hear music in his head?

So maybe being blind or def isnt a bad thing..Maybe there more geared to focus the mind then you are..

you see life as it is, but can you see what your thinking? or close your eyes causing more focus to imagine your insights.

In my opinion your mind uses colors and If you are genius images to represent emotions or words meaning that a acessing the 90% of your brain begins with self training or disipline of the body.

You dont know what to do, it can range from meditation to simply body movements, such as knowing what each muscle feels like or what your limits are to push them..

In theory should you acomplish a focused and smart well being in yourself, you could watch a video of somthing and know how to do it.

you watch snow boarding, your mind watches his feet cord, if your focused enough, your mind will focus and your feet should they have been "trained" you could learn how to snowboard in minutes!

eh im high.


Well-Known Member

FOOKING A, you are on a role...

blaming is the origin of anger.... AND all anger is delusion...


when ONE is angry they are delusional...

THIS IS THE CROWN JEWEL... the entry ticket into eternal LOVE...

This is the SIGN POST that points directly to the door...

the door into FREEDOM and eternity..


stop blaming people..... IT is only YOU.... ahahahahahahah

Most times anger is a secondary emotion, caused by a primary emotion that a lot of people don't even realize they're feeling at the time. I hate it when people are angry without even knowing why...

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I think, before we are born, we choose the life we will have, based on what we need to learn this time around. We do this each time we are reincarnated.I guess to narrow us down to only one rough diamonds and every experience adds a facet, until you are the only one like you...completely unique.Thats when God turns her/his eye to us...and thats the gateway to the knowledge I think your speaking of.....we can't blame anyone but ourselves, because we chose this for ourself. And on a side note, youre never really NOTHING, wikid...when you die, the worms eat you,the birds eat the worms, cats eat the return to the earth and are absorbed and recycled into her...a small piece of everything or everyone that ever was resides in all goes on...thus ends my pointless ramble.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Most times anger is a secondary emotion, caused by a primary emotion that a lot of people don't even realize they're feeling at the time. I hate it when people are angry without even knowing why...
i feel that i have a gift for avoiding anger. im almost so good at it that angering situations bore the shit out of me. mabey iv've just smoked my self peaceful.


Well-Known Member
never have. but thats why god invented the internet right?:roll:
You sir, need to read The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand. It's a fiction book that's about her philosophy, objectivism. It's fucking awesome, and everything you're saying here, is kinda her point.

Objectivism holds that reality exists independent from consciousness; that individual persons are in contact with this reality through sensory perception; that human beings can gain objective knowledge from perception through the process of concept formation; that the proper moral purpose of one's life is the pursuit of one's own happiness or "rational self-interest"

She goes on about how you're responsible for your own happiness, and you can't expect others to owe you anything, and you don't owe them anything except to be happy yourself.


Well-Known Member
I think, before we are born, we choose the life we will have, based on what we need to learn this time around. We do this each time we are reincarnated.I guess to narrow us down to only one rough diamonds and every experience adds a facet, until you are the only one like you...completely unique.Thats when God turns her/his eye to us...and thats the gateway to the knowledge I think your speaking of.....we can't blame anyone but ourselves, because we chose this for ourself. And on a side note, youre never really NOTHING, wikid...when you die, the worms eat you,the birds eat the worms, cats eat the return to the earth and are absorbed and recycled into her...a small piece of everything or everyone that ever was resides in all goes on...thus ends my pointless ramble.:mrgreen: YouTube - Knock knock knocking on heavens door
Have you ever read Sandra Brown? You sound like you have....

And as far as being nothing, lol, I don't consider my body to be ME, you know? I mean, I like it and all, and I do consider it MINE, but it's not ME. This body is not what makes me the person I am. When I am dead and gone, it's nothing but a empty shell. When I say not being, i mean my SOUL, my MIND, the part of me that thinks up the quirky bullshit I speak here....I can't imagine that part of me not being.

i feel that i have a gift for avoiding anger. im almost so good at it that angering situations bore the shit out of me. mabey iv've just smoked my self peaceful.
I wish I could be like that. Even though I know myself very well, and I understand my emotions and why I feel them...I still get angry. lol, I'm actually very quick tempered.

I didn't choose this user name for nothing

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
No, no Sandra Brown..most of my "revelations" come to me in the bathroom! And your soul is just energy....when its done powering your body, it will move on to other things. It too will still exist in one form or another...even if youre one who doesnt believe in the supernatural angle.
Have you ever read Sandra Brown? You sound like you have....

And as far as being nothing, lol, I don't consider my body to be ME, you know? I mean, I like it and all, and I do consider it MINE, but it's not ME. This body is not what makes me the person I am. When I am dead and gone, it's nothing but a empty shell. When I say not being, i mean my SOUL, my MIND, the part of me that thinks up the quirky bullshit I speak here....I can't imagine that part of me not being.

I wish I could be like that. Even though I know myself very well, and I understand my emotions and why I feel them...I still get angry. lol, I'm actually very quick tempered.

I didn't choose this user name for nothing