
Well-Known Member
What do you do when you think your wife is a lying tramp and cant prove it?
You do some serious investigating. Want help? Together, I bet we could expose her *starts to hear the mission impossilbe theme*

DUDE, and I love how your edit said that you had to add lying, lol, funny shit

Yo Garden Knowm.......buddy:roll::confused:

Eat your FOOKIN' heart out!!!!!!!!!!!!!

'Cause I didn't back the FOOK off. :hump::hump::hump:

I'm past your post count dude. :joint::mrgreen:
:shock: Woa...Lacy....I'm in awe. If you beat out Garden Knowm, does that mean my hero worship of him should transfer to you?

Aw not only do we have to worry about pot thieves, now it'll be beer guzzlers too !! Better get a gun....:o
*tackles Twisty to the ground and smothers him in love* dude, you make me laugh so hard. I just like totally imagined this guy like crawling through the yard on his arms, like army style, with a really long bendy straw....

how many more posts are needed?
Why do you guys keep asking this? Do you want it to end? Enjoy the ride....
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Well-Known Member
Four Religious Facts
1. Muslims do not recognize Jews as God's chosen people.
2. Jews do not recognize Jesus as the Messiah.
3. Protestants do not recognize the Pope as the leader of the Christian World.
4. Baptists do not recognize each other at Hooters.


Well-Known Member
Four Religious Facts
1. Muslims do not recognize Jews as God's chosen people.
2. Jews do not recognize Jesus as the Messiah.
3. Protestants do not recognize the Pope as the leader of the Christian World.
4. Baptists do not recognize each other at Hooters.
you made me blow coffee out of nose! haha good one! :bigjoint:
would have repped - but got to spread it around first...


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I don't think I could ever be a waitress, I not that good at taking people's shit.

I used to work as a cashier, and sometimes THOSE customers were too much stupidity for me to handle. When I worked at Home Depot, I had this huge line, on the main register (cuz I was the best like that *breathes on my nails and polishes them on my shirt...lmao, j/k)

So anyways, busy fuckin time, and this lady gives me a twenty, I hand her her change, and then she says she gave me a hundred dollar bill. I told her she didn't. She insisted she did. I had a few $100 bills in my till, from other customers, and she thought one was hers.

They had to shut down my register, move everyone to different lines, then count my till. The whole time she kept saying that she knew she gave me a hundred, and I told her no, she didn't. She asked me if I was calling her a liar. I told her, "No, I'm just saying that you're wrong." And in the end.....I was perfectly even, because the stupid bitch didn't give me a 100.

Yeah....stupid customers piss me off.

But a cool customer can make your whole day. So be cool customers you guys.


Well-Known Member
you made me blow coffee out of nose! haha good one! :bigjoint:
would have repped - but got to spread it around first...
Wow coffee through the nose , did that burn?

A study in the Washington Post says that women have better verbal skills than men. I just want to say to the authors of that study: 'Duh'


Well-Known Member
No shit, I'd have to smack whoever put that study out there. I really hate it when they point out the obvious.

Like that show, The First 48 or whatever, where they solve a crime and they track the first 48 hours of a crime investigation. Some guy had a bullet hole in his back, and this detective -- sounding very serious, and full of self-importance, like he was about to impart some serious knowledge -- said that because he was shot in the back, they know they have a murder on their hands.

*knocked over by this deep revelation*


Well-Known Member
No shit, I'd have to smack whoever put that study out there. I really hate it when they point out the obvious.

Like that show, The First 48 or whatever, where they solve a crime and they track the first 48 hours of a crime investigation. Some guy had a bullet hole in his back, and this detective -- sounding very serious, and full of self-importance, like he was about to impart some serious knowledge -- said that because he was shot in the back, they know they have a murder on their hands.

*knocked over by this deep revelation*
I watch that too. The guy almost threw his shoulder out patting himself on the back........I don't suffer fools very well myself.....


New Member
Well yeahhhhhhhhhhhh:clap::clap::clap::hug:
You don't have to BUT that sure would be nice :-P

:shock: Woa...Lacy....I'm in awe. If you beat out Garden Knowm, does that mean my hero worship of him should transfer to you?

*tackles Twisty to the ground and smothers him in love* dude, you make me laugh so hard. I just like totally imagined this guy like crawling through the yard on his arms, like army style, with a really long bendy straw....Joins in tackling twisty and smothering him wif love:hug::clap:

I went to Hooters once. They offered me a job. I've never gone back.

crappy food, shitty atmosphere, waitstaff with attitude, loud and obnoxious patrons... what's not to love?
:clap::-PFor some reason I can't even imagine email at a hooters club.:o:shock:


Yeah, I don't think I could ever be a waitress, I not that good at taking people's shit. I have had some really good jobs in my life that have paid pretty good BUT I havge to admit that I always made the most waitressing.
If you work at nice, fancy places you can make a fortune waitressing. PLUS I only claimed 10% of my tips and my tips are what helped pay my rent and put me through school.
On weekend night either Friday, Saturday or Sunday I would always come home with anywhere between $200 to $300 cash.

Yes there are people that will always piss you off but to be honest, you are so busy with other people and there are so many nice people out there that the other people just don't bother you after a while.

Its funny but many of the staff members that DID NOT like a customer would spit in their food. :o:shock: Its not something I chose to do:?

I used to work as a cashier, and sometimes THOSE customers were too much stupidity for me to handle. When I worked at Home Depot, I had this huge line, on the main register (cuz I was the best like that *breathes on my nails and polishes them on my shirt...lmao, j/k)
Lets see the nails :clap::-P