Yo Mama so fat when she went to the movies she sat next to everyone.

Yo mama so poor when she goes to KFC, she has to lick other people's fingers!

Yo mama so poor your family ate cereal with a fork to save milk.
Yo daddy's so stupid, when Yo mama says "Fuck me silly and make it hurt!" he puts on a clown suit and hits her with a brick before he does her.
Ok Ok i goy one its kinda long and kinda racist but ull laugh...

so a guys drivin down this road in the hills somewhere and he sees a store that sells nothing but statues and sculptures so he goes in to check it out...hes lookin around and he finds a statue of a squirrel that he really he decides to buy this squirrel staue and when he goes to pay for it the shop owner says "well theres a story behind this statue that u really need to hear"...the man replies "sorry im runnin late as it is" the shop owner replies "u should really hear it" and the guys like come on come on i gotta go so he sells him the statue and the man goes on his way so hes drivin along and he looks in his rearview and sees like 10 squirrels chising after his car...kinda freaked out the guy speeds up 2 like 45 and looks back to see 100 squirrels following him so he speeds up 2 like 65 looks again 1000 squirrels...totally freaked he tosses the sculpture out the window and over a cliff and all the squirrels jump off after it and the guy turns around and heads back to the store and the owner says "do u want to hear the story now?" and the guys lik "nah...just wondering if u by chance have a staue of martin luther king!!"":)
Got one, ladies, please do t be offended. Better yet, don't read this post. :eek:

Ya know why god gave women legs?

So they wouldn't leave snail trails everywhere.....:-P
...ya moma is sooooo ugly, when she smiles her face hurts.
...she's sooooo fat, when she wears a letterman's jacket helicopters try to land on her back.
...she's sooooo fat, she wears pillow cases for socks w/ hula hoops to hold them up.
...she's sooooo fat, she jumped into the air and got stuck.
...she's sooooo poor, she has turkey flavored now and laters for thanksgiving.
...her breath stinks soooooo bad, when she breathes her teeth ducks.