
Well-Known Member
Morning all......

Because they couldn't pay the mortgage and if it wasn't for them the bank wouldn't be taking a loss? You don't reward bad behavior...unless you want it repeated...

out. :blsmoke:
Hey CJ... but the banks were betting against them from square one... thats why they collapsed... they gave loans to some who couldn't afford them... yes, ..but if they hadn't gambled on those they knew would default, those that could have made it went under when the bets defaulted.. when I sold coke I never sold to people groveling for a front... thats a fools gamble....


New Member
The banks gave loans because they were pressured to...not because they wanted to. It was the Govt. who insisted in getting the banks to loan to folks who couldn't qualify through regular parameters. Go back to the Clinton administration and take a peek at what they were doing. Carter started this nonsense of a home being a "right". It is is a responsibility investment, nothing more.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Thats the difference between the US & Canada... our banks tried to merge and go down that path and the Govt. stopped them......... Here if you don't have 10% cash down they won't front money... you can't blame the people for greed in wanting to own a home when the banks are lending to unqualified borrowers, yet their(banks) greed is aided by the govt. and they're not denigrated for poor financial judgment, amazing how their poor judgment is a mistake, yet those that lost homes are welfare/poor bums... whats good for the goose....etc.


New Member
AIG became the agent of the Govt. and those big bonuses were "mostly" for the whiz kids who came up with the mathematical equations which enables the books to look better than they were. the pol's knew ALL of this....

We need to keep the Govt. out of the free market...once the Govt. gets involved the markets don't end up free...

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
AIG became the agent of the Govt. and those big bonuses were "mostly" for the whiz kids who came up with the mathematical equations which enables the books to look better than they were. the pol's knew ALL of this....

We need to keep the Govt. out of the free market...once the Govt. gets involved the markets don't end up free...

out. :blsmoke:
Fuzzy arithmetic is popular.


New Member
The banks gave loans because they were pressured to...not because they wanted to. It was the Govt. who insisted in getting the banks to loan to folks who couldn't qualify through regular parameters. Go back to the Clinton administration and take a peek at what they were doing. Carter started this nonsense of a home being a "right". It is is a responsibility investment, nothing more.

out. :blsmoke:
nobody pressures the banks...the banking industry runs this country...hell, maybe the world.
my mother owned a century 21 real estate office in the 80's and 90's and people back then had to qualify for a loan. I had people with rental property income, but they could not count it because they didn't pay income taxes on it. why did that change? and who changed it? I messed around with real estate long enough to know one thing...people ALWAYS buy more house than they can afford. and we know how the agents feel about this...more loot for them. the only thing consumer had on their side was the law....:roll:


Well-Known Member
nobody pressures the banks...the banking industry runs this country...hell, maybe the world.
my mother owned a century 21 real estate office in the 80's and 90's and people back then had to qualify for a loan. I had people with rental property income, but they could not count it because they didn't pay income taxes on it. why did that change? and who changed it? I messed around with real estate long enough to know one thing...people ALWAYS buy more house than they can afford. and we know how the agents feel about this...more loot for them. the only thing consumer had on their side was the law....:roll:
Morning tips...diem...
The law isn't on their sides though.. they just get flushed.. they should let the banks fail and get the homeowners straightened out.. if all that supposed bank bonus talent is really that good they should be able to fix their own mess and let the Govt. help the borderline homeowners... everyone seems bent on blaming the buyers when the keepers of the gate were asleep and way too greedy.......


Well-Known Member
Antitrust laws were dismantled big mistake, now when a bank fails 46+- in two years it is a huge problem. Then their insurer AIG is belly up. Not Funny :(