
Well-Known Member
slow day twistymandingo?
I'm ready to eat glass... this guy who I always gave a bud or a joint to when I worked, weekly, and for about the last 2 years after the company closed... called last week and said his nephew gave him some good weed and he'd pop by last thurs... well today(tues) he shows up with a piss warm beer, not even my brand and asks me if I have a puff.... WTF I said you had some that we'd try... get this... "I forgot it at home on my desk"... this guy has never given me $0.01 or a joint in the years I've known him..granted he's a super shy guy with no connections, but to say he has some but forgot it was the last straw... he's renting a rehearsal hall to jam next month...guess who isn't going to be there............ he can kiss my ass......:finger:

my neck is KILLING me

Fuck Fuck Fuck

I need pain pills

Tylenol aint doing it
Sorry to hear that vette...... :sad:


Well-Known Member
I'm ready to eat glass... this guy who I always gave a bud or a joint to when I worked, weekly, and for about the last 2 years after the company closed... called last week and said his nephew gave him some good weed and he'd pop by last thurs... well today(tues) he shows up with a piss warm beer, not even my brand and asks me if I have a puff.... WTF I said you had some that we'd try... get this... "I forgot it at home on my desk"... this guy has never given me $0.01 or a joint in the years I've known him..granted he's a super shy guy with no connections, but to say he has some but forgot it was the last straw... he's renting a rehearsal hall to jam next month...guess who isn't going to be there............ he can kiss my ass......:finger:

Sorry to hear that vette...... :sad:
"You never once paid for drugs... not once."


Well-Known Member
Say what... ya.. thats why I live in a shoe box..... I'm hoarding it under my matress....

got some ugly days ahead.... shopping..short bus..tomorrow.... short bus to hosp..thurs.... then short bus to get soil friday..... ......