Biggest Single Indoor Plant Ever


Well-Known Member
hey guys heres a detailed few pics of the light setup they pretty much are being used as sidelights but on the top you can see how little light is being wasted on the floor and there is barely any side seepage and there is about 10 inches from the sides of the plant to the hid bulb with heatspreader(the right way up) LOL



nice nice, that plant is massive, you going to have yourself at least a pound and 2 ounces if not more, especially with what your planning on doing with keeping the smaller buds growing.


Well-Known Member
here she is at day 30 iv bent the top cola up a bit to stretch the buds even more she is filling out so well i cant imagine what she will look like with every bud site full and bushy she will look like 50 cacti growing in a ball theres a couple of pics of the whole plant and a pic of the top ....peace



Well-Known Member
looking good, thanks for all the pics, i would grow some smaller plants in the space you have left,around the plant, or start some,to take the monsters place,so you will have ongoing buds. thats a lot of lite , for 1 plant. but the plant will like it, and prob. pay you back.
how long left,what strain.


Well-Known Member
20 days left its white satin and i have 8 seedlings left and i can only do this 1 grow as my mother in law is going mad so she said this is the only 1 i am allowed looks like il be saving my moneys for renting a house with a nice big backgarden im going to dig under the shed this time i think for the extraction system enabling more growing area and i will have 4 hps lights then still in a cone position as that works verry well il probably grow 8 plants next time and i will be doing an outdoor grow with this same plant in april after i rejuvinate her peace to all


Well-Known Member
did that Green Giant sprout form one seed? or a million that joined up? if that is one seed im buying some satin....... otherwise im putting in like 20 seeds in a pot lol


Well-Known Member
that bud pic is'm at a loss for words! much longer yea think?


Well-Known Member
hahahahaha ....thast'll be the understatement of this week....ahahahahahahahahah! good luck....thats gonna be some mighty fine smoke!