Biggest plant you grew

Everything in the hoop house known as "Parts Unknown"
20200926_092058.jpg20200926_092328.jpg20200925_134805.jpg20200924_150504.jpgBefore this year everything had to be indoors or done as a guerrilla grow. But since we won the right to grow our own medicine, I decided to see just how big I could get them to be. Now I wish I would have made the hoop house bigger, that's what is limiting me now. It took a lot of super cropping tying and trellising to get them to fit in there. I guess 24'x16'x10' just wasn't big enough!
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Man that is so awesome great job never stop doing what you do as always thank you for your time and the best wishes to you and your
Seed or clone and do i start it outside or inside?
If inside then when do I move it outside?
Also what nutrients do u feed it iv only ever done indoor

I think it's like cooking eggs mate, more then one way to do it. I've grown both indoor and outdoor but only indoor for the last 10 years. I started my plants as seeds indoors in large (350wide / 450deep) plastic growbags in premium potting mix from bunnings with 25% perlite, 15% coco and some added richigrow blood & bone. I grew them for about 8 weeks before moving them outdoors about a month ago (to early btw)

Some have started to flower unfortunately but all of them are up past my waste, I'm not sure what to expect but they will obviously be trees if everything goes well come April.
One thing I can say if you will NEED irrigation if your planning on having more than a few plants.