maybe we should all donate a few bucks toward buying Gardea a cheap hooker... might help his attitude...
florida... the man is following the law as laid out by his local government... if there was something in there that said he could have a huge outdoor pot garden, but cant have it leak any odor, then yes he would be in the wrong.. but they dont, because it poses no threat to anyone except the pricks on their high horses that say "pot stinks, cause i dont smoke it".... thats just like the morons that complain about their beloved "property values" because of the way an eccentric neighbor decides to decorate their house that they also paid the same high price for... i say fuck em, let em bitch and moan, cause these people always have something to say and some cause to bleed their hearts for....
having said that, were i mcfarlane, i'd post my own sign in my front yard saying i shipped my weed out yesterday, but buddy's house (the one with the original signs) has plenty of jewlery, computers and electronics, 2 home theatre systems w/ big screen tvs, cash on hand and one SEXY wife/daughter combo. then, i'd anonamously post pretty much the same thing on craigslist, inviting people to come take what they like.
fight fire with fire. i'd only take my sign down after his had been down for a few weeks, just to make sure. then i'd water his lawn with salt and piss in every corner outside his house right after eating a case of asparagus (we'll see which smell he likes more)
You obviously don't own a home... or perhaps you do but have never tried to sell one where your neighbors have affected your sales effort.
I've owned 2 homes and sold 1. When I bought my homes.... any number of things could make me not even get out of the car.... or get out and get right back in.
When I sold my home in CA my neighbor had all kinds of shit tore apart on his front lawn.... he even had a toilet out there at one point (he was remodeling his home). Lucky for me... he was courteous and when he saw my For Sale sign go up he came over on his own and told me he would clean up the yard so it wouldn't hurt my home sale. I really appreciated his being a good neighbor without even being asked. When I sold my home I bought him & his wife a $200 gift certificate to home depot (to help with their remodeling) to show my appreciation.
I love the smell of mj.... but I don't want it permeating my neighborhood because a) it will draw unwanted attention and b) will make selling a house here difficult.
I've never given my neighbors here much thought before... but now seeing how incredibly inconsiderate and selfish some people can be in their thought process I really appreciate the neighbors I have. Should any of them leave and we get a selfish asshole move in .... we've got our homeowners association covenant to curb any of their obnoxious behavior.
I've said what I have to on this subject.... I'm done.
P.S. Hestor.... your neighbors know about their tree and are not extending you the common courtesy to keep their tree in check and on their property. A few dozen shots of bleach directly into the encroaching roots of that tree will kill the tree and end your misery.![]()
You obviously don't own a home... or perhaps you do but have never tried to sell one where your neighbors have affected your sales effort.
I've owned 2 homes and sold 1. When I bought my homes.... any number of things could make me not even get out of the car.... or get out and get right back in.
When I sold my home in CA my neighbor had all kinds of shit tore apart on his front lawn.... he even had a toilet out there at one point (he was remodeling his home). Lucky for me... he was courteous and when he saw my For Sale sign go up he came over on his own and told me he would clean up the yard so it wouldn't hurt my home sale. I really appreciated his being a good neighbor without even being asked. When I sold my home I bought him & his wife a $200 gift certificate to home depot (to help with their remodeling) to show my appreciation.
I love the smell of mj.... but I don't want it permeating my neighborhood because a) it will draw unwanted attention and b) will make selling a house here difficult.
I've never given my neighbors here much thought before... but now seeing how incredibly inconsiderate and selfish some people can be in their thought process I really appreciate the neighbors I have. Should any of them leave and we get a selfish asshole move in .... we've got our homeowners association covenant to curb any of their obnoxious behavior.
I've said what I have to on this subject.... I'm done.
P.S. Hestor.... your neighbors know about their tree and are not extending you the common courtesy to keep their tree in check and on their property. A few dozen shots of bleach directly into the encroaching roots of that tree will kill the tree and end your misery.![]()
bottom line, this argument isn't about propert values, it's about rights and freedoms and the difference between them and priveleges.
yes, sign-guy has a right to freedom of speech, but he takes this out of context when he encroaches on pot-guy's right to life and the pursuit of happiness, not to mention his freedom to choose to self-medicate as opposed to popping harmful and debilitating pills all day. far more rights and freedoms are being trampled here than gained, so legally, morally and ethically sign-guy must back down (see also 'tuck his tail between his legs and make like a tree and fuck off')
sign-guy's just a little confused because he thought privileges he used to enjoy (like NOT smelling the marijuana plant) were actually rights of his. no no no. when did he become so domesticated that he couldn't differentiate between outdoors and in? inside, he has complete control of his environment, one of the many perks to owning a house. outside though, in the wild (yes even urban centres are considered wild here), there are many variables over which he has no control.
if he were less of a little bitch and more actually concerned with propertly value, he wouldn't have posted signs in the first place but just planted some really fragrant plants to outmask the pot smell on his side of the property (front yard and back) and i personally would have put more effort into sprucing up my own house and property's appearance.
bottom line, marijuana growers didn't cause his property value to plummet, the banks and his country's horrendous leadership did (not gonna argue this, just my opinion)
i saw a toilet on someones front lawn the other day with a "FREE" sign on it. i wanted to go back and take a pic.![]()
wonder if that was free to take or free to use?