Biggest Buds - Great bud porn


Well-Known Member
i just went and kicked some of my shit over... damn this guys a pro.. QUOTE

That's some funny shit man.... I had a good giggle...:lol:

It kinda makes you feel insignificant doesn't it....;-)

I love watching all his vids, he's amazing...


Active Member
i just went and kicked some of my shit over... damn this guys a pro.. QUOTE

That's some funny shit man.... I had a good giggle...:lol:

It kinda makes you feel insignificant doesn't it....;-)

I love watching all his vids, he's amazing...
hehehe yeah i kidd...
but seriously thats great stuff i am going to tune into somemore of his stuff tommorow..
from clone to monster bud in 9 weeks wow..
and the plants looked so healthy, shit he has that strain dailed in..


Well-Known Member
hehehe yeah i kidd...
but seriously thats great stuff i am going to tune into somemore of his stuff tommorow..
from clone to monster bud in 9 weeks wow..
and the plants looked so healthy, shit he has that strain dailed in..
Yup he knows that strain like the back of his hand... Wish I had a relationship like that with my plants...

Look at his mother vids... His mothers are so vibrant and full... So healthy, its same flood and drain system he uses to keep them bountiful. He even uses a slightly modified system for his clones... He is my grow guru....:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I've said it once and I'll say it again...

God I love watching this vid... Its just so bloody entertaining...:lol: :lol: :lol:

I am aspiring to this...He has made me make the decision to put my mothers into a flood and drain system... So simple, no air hoses or air pumps... Will post pics when I am done... Till then, watch all this guys vids...:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Bloody Hell!! Im black and those beatfiul buds made me talk like and english man lol!! FAN FUCKING TASTIC


Well-Known Member
No algae, no burn, no problems!!! This guys got my vote for green thumb of the year!!!
Yup, not a so much as a blown light globe as a problem... He really is awesome... Glad I could share some of his love....:lol:

If you get a chance please check out his other vids, they are just as good, and so bloody informative... He just flies in the face of what some growers He's not the cleanest grower his pots are dirty yet he never has issues, he cant get to the back of his plants till he harvests, yet he doesn't have issues, he's just got it going on....;-)

Simple grower with fantastic results, and a bloody good strain of course...:lol:

Thanks for the comment...


Well-Known Member
Here are his vids right here, so you don't even have to leave the site...

Thank you to the user who showed me how... Robert I'm talking about you..

If you are reading this for the first time, it is imperative you watch this guys vids if you want to see a simple yet bloody effective grow... He is my idol... My mother cupboard is based on his system..

Please watch, I emplore and beseech you..




nice i dl'd em and gonna watch in full in about 2 min looks interesting so far


nice setup id be worried that it would leak its basically a wick system with air pumped into the water and more control over feeding but seems to me like that setup would work alot better with one big ass flood and drain table or gone with multiple wick system and used a soiless mix in em since he constructed that i would assume he would be able to build one of those idk just seems a little TOO complicated prob should have stayed with the kiss method while planning this build and whats with all the plants around that main feeding