bigger than watergate?

why are white males from alaska known for being pedophiles?

In its short history as a state, Alaska has earned an unnerving epithet: It is the rapecapital of the U.S. At nearly 80 rapes per 100,000, according to the FBI Uniform Crime Report, Alaska's rape rate is almost three times the national average; for child sexual assault, it's nearly six times.

Other articles about Alaska's tragic rape epidemic.
You're as much a part of the problem as thise you accuse. This is exactly where the cabal want us (fighting against each other) so they can.... carry on
Uh no. I didn't vote for the racist traitor. I'll point out his failings quite happily.

Since when is disagreeing with a fool an issue at all?

As far as the libertarian philosophy is concerned, it is just another right wing ideology that does nothing to change the control of the wealthy class on society. Anybody who protects the status and control of the wealthy are part of the problem.

Libertarian philosophy is just that. An idealistic untried ideology that has never been tried anywhere. It might work in a pre-industrial medieval type of village with 25 people who are all related to each other but to suggest it's ready for implementation in the US is ridiculous.
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LOL describe to us all how inflation works again with no less than three definitions that come from a theory.
I'll do so after you explain how silver is a great investment. There are three causes of inflation, not three definitions. It's so funny when you try to talk down to people. Like a mouse in a land of giants. Too funny.
oh, i see why you are so bitter.

you are too much of an unskilled brokedick to be able to afford a home. so naturally, you blame the jews for your own worthlessness.

classic story.
Actually I do own a home but I didn't borrow any money.
This is a much better image for that meme:-)

It was aliens.
I'll do so after you explain how silver is a great investment. There are three causes of inflation, not three definitions.
If you look at silver prices adjusted to inflation, there is a lot of froth but it looks like the price isn't growing above the rate of inflation. So, silver is a hedge against inflation, value is subject to price bubbles and manipulation.

LOL so price is value and inflation, it just keeps getting better the more it's examined. Do you even know what a hedge is, giant? Go look it up, tell us how there are at least 2 causes of hedge; bushes and shrubs.

It's so funny when you try to talk down to people. Like a mouse in a land of giants. Too funny.

What a stupid ass post.
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