*** bigger and faster in soil ***


Well-Known Member
See the green bag of perlite in ffd2blk's #41 post? When i bought one of those it was like loosing my virginity. Best investment I've made in some time.

Is that miricle grow potting soil I see, wow I thought you were cool for a second there.

Peace out, good job.

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
SEAMAIDEN---I picked up a big green bag like the one FDD has in the above pics of perlite from a local nursery worked good for my application but the perlite is small and came out the drain holes in my pots(I resolved the issue by placing weed barrier fabric in each pot before filling with soil) so when I found out there was a big chunk I jumped on it----one less step:mrgreen:---If I was outdoors I would stick to the green bag---it's just less expensive. I also picked up a yellow bag of verm shit from the nursery---same size----If you want to use FYTOCELL--you will have to have your hydro shop special order it----make sure to get the FYTOCELL FLAKE.. the other comes as a brick or germinating cells.
View Full-Size Image
View Full-Size Image

Fytocell - 100 l

( New Age Gardening ) ( New Age Gardening )
Price: $56.00

Fytocell is the new hydroponic substrate that outperforms its predecessors.
> Perfect Air / Water Ratio for Root Growth

Fytocell’s structure provides a near perfect air/water ratio at all times, encouraging the
development of a mass of finely branched roots – enabling better uptake of water and essential
nutrients. The result is stronger, healthier plants and improved yields.
> Scientifically Proven – Air 37% by volume

Oxygen is as vital to healthy root development as water and nutrients. The open cell structure
of Fytocell ensures good oxygen content throughout the entire depth of the slab or pot of flakes
– even when Fytocell is saturated. Before Fytocell it was very easy to add water to a substrate
– but far more difficult to add oxygen!
> Easy Water Management

Fytocell is impossible to over-wet at a maximum 60% saturation. Even when the slab or flakes
are saturated the structure of Fytocell ensures there is sufficient air for healthy root growth.
Should Fytocell dry out for any reason, re-wetting is simple and trouble free.
• flood and drain
• dripper irrigate
• hand water
• run to waste or recirculating systems
> Start With A Clean Substrate

Minimise your risk. Fytocell is sterile. This gives your young plant the best start to life. Fytocell
has a starting pH of between 5.5 – 7.0 so there is no need to adjust your pH – just add your
nutrient solution.
> 100% Biodegradable and Compostable – Proven in Holland

Fytocell is an aminoplast foam. It is harmless to the environment and is 100% biodgradable and
compostable, making disposal easier and maintaining the green image.
> Easy to Use in Hydroponics

Lightweight and easy to handle – non prickly. Fytocell is impossible to overwater. Fytocell
provides the plant with easy access to water, so in case of power failure there is a good water
buffer. Fytocell has low cation exchange and flushes easily.
> Can’t be Beaten — Great Capillary Action

Great capillary action of Fytocell means that water is drawn up to the top of the slab. In uneven
surface conditions where either ponding or dryness can occur, Fytocell is still able to provide a
balanced air / water ratio in both the slab and flake form.

Flower Images Courtesy of CYOST
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Well-Known Member
i have the worst time in 1 gallon pots. i over water and it's all over. i can do really good in a coffee cup sized pot or 3 gallons and over, but something about 1 gallons gets me every time. this is during the first 2 months from seed. but i can screw up clones in 1 gallon as well. :evil:
Funny thats like all I use, I hardly even ever transplant out, I am usin 50/50 ffof to perlite, twords the end of flower it ends up like hydro having to water once a day.


Well-Known Member
cement mixers work great as well. :mrgreen: View attachment 163348
hahahaha...........I converted one into a shell casing tumbler to clean and polish my spent rounds.........

Those things are spendy though. I dont think Id buy another one just to mix some soil. The one I bought was 250 bucks. But it will tumble and polish 1000 rounds of brass no problems.


Well-Known Member
Dr. Von, thank you! A bit spendy, but... I had a chance to put my head together with my son yesterday, he's got some good strains going. But, he's got school and some other shit going on and can't get the time to come up and take a look at his mom's garden. That boy, he sure does like spending money on his garden, I tell you what. (That, and snowboarding.)


Well-Known Member
Dr. Von, thank you! A bit spendy, but... I had a chance to put my head together with my son yesterday, he's got some good strains going. But, he's got school and some other shit going on and can't get the time to come up and take a look at his mom's garden. That boy, he sure does like spending money on his garden, I tell you what. (That, and snowboarding.)
Sounds like your son has all his priority's in the right places. assuming he is doing well in school!


Well-Known Member
Thanks Solomon. Yes, he's doing pretty well considering that he's got learning disabilities and has refused accommodations. He's just about got his AA in environmental science, don't know where he's going to go from there. :)

billy no m8s

Active Member
it,s not often that i feel the need 2 have my 2cents worth! but i just cant believe how many people get sucked in by advertisment, photocellwot?????? it,s the same with everthing in life someones always trying 2 sell something thats the best thing since sliced bread, i agree with main topic of loosnin up the soil, thats common sence airiate ur roots! in the past iv broke up pollystirein, used gravel(i know 2 heavy) clay balls u name it and iv used it ! point being it,s all free! iff it,s air 2 ur roots ur after and u using pots try sitting pots in a tray with plain water in ( raise pots sum so u dont saturate) and add an airstone with small pump! feed through soil, rain water in tray, wont b long before your roots r goin mad, and we all know more roots more buds


Well-Known Member

You can get perlite at your local farm supply. Buy No.3 for medium size perlite. This is what I use for my orchids and its as mentioned here, to provide space in the planting medium for aeration of the roots and drainage. Hope this helps.

billy no m8s

Active Member
no worries doc! but afta reading my post again i feel like i owe u an apology! i wernt trying 2 diss u ! i just sumtimes find that everything has a price, and that growing becomes all 2 serious! it should b fun and theriputical. and at the end of the day as long as u happy with ur smoke then thas great! we,d all like 2 win the lottery, but that does,nt mean we would all b happy iff we did! call me old fashion!!!


Well-Known Member

You can get perlite at your local farm supply. Buy No.3 for medium size perlite. This is what I use for my orchids and its as mentioned here, to provide space in the planting medium for aeration of the roots and drainage. Hope this helps.
I hadn't thought about finding a farm supply. We certainly do have farmers out here, all new homebuyers have to sign a Disclosure of Right to Farm (you and your neighbors have a right to farm, and you can't bitch about it).

I have a family member in Puerto Rico who grows orchids, like nobody's business (it helps that she lives on the backside of El Yunque, a rainforest mountain). I have another friend in Texas who's set up a small orchidarium to grow some really neat species.


DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
no worries doc! but afta reading my post again i feel like i owe u an apology! i wernt trying 2 diss u ! i just sumtimes find that everything has a price, and that growing becomes all 2 serious! it should b fun and theriputical. and at the end of the day as long as u happy with ur smoke then thas great! we,d all like 2 win the lottery, but that does,nt mean we would all b happy iff we did! call me old fashion!!!
No worries my friend---I have said before in other posts take what you want leave what you want---I post info for all----I wouldn't want anyone to tell me that I had to buy this or that---but what I post does come from my own testing--you might find what I have to say great info or you might find it to be useless babble in your situation--I am learning new things every day and there is a lot of great info on here----shit man-I just read not to long ago about a guy using banana's on three week old seedlings to ensure females---weather it works or not--I don't know but talk about thinking outside the box--fucking cool as hell----anyway----best of luck in your grows...:mrgreen:

billy no m8s

Active Member
thanks doc best of luck to all us growers! and u know wot they say!education,education,education! as it is now, iv cut the working hours of my monkey, and im goin all in on the bananas! u never know perhaps the buds will send us all round the bend! peace!