big water problem help please


TL;DR- my water is killing my plants. its ppm is too high and fluoride is hurting them also. how can i fix this using cheap easy methods?

hey all. i have had many many many difficulties and failures in my past 2 years of growing simply because ive been scrimping by on my setups be cause i have had little to no money and i only grow enough for my medicinal usage. anyways, i have been doing some research over the past few months and decided i want ot change my methods. currently i am growing using peat moss, vermiculite/perlite and my rainforest 66 hydro system in a grow tent. i have lost many plants growing them using peat moss. my water had way to much ppm and flouride and i dont know how to change it so its really hurting my plants. thats my one main issue right now anyways is my water problem.

i am planning to change to a ebb and flow method to eliminate the slow growth of peat moss, but i am worried about my water. HOW can i change my water problem? i cant afford a reverse osmosis machine or whatever they are called.. i am building my ebb and flow all from cheap supplies i can get at walmart and home depot. so what are some home made methods i can use to fix my water problem? i have lost about 10 plants in the past few months (out of about 17 ive grown) beacuse of this issue. please help me.


Well-Known Member
More info needed. What are ph and ppm of water? Not even going to go into the peat moss stuff or losing 60% of your plants. I have used city tap water only and never lost a plant to anything other than simple grower error like falling on them and i have grown many many times more plants.


Active Member
Dont be worried, easy and affordable fix. At just about every walmart or food store there is a Glacier water station or some kind of filtered water system. In walmart go to the back of the food section where the drinks are and they sell 5,3, and 1 gallon container for a few bucks already filled up. All these water stations use reverse osmosis filtering and a 5 gallon jug of water costs only $1.50. A gallon costs 30 cents. I live in south carolina and i have on at our local grocery store food lion, at the CVS pharmacy right down the street, and walmart. The 5 gallons jugs are heavy but i do DWC and fill 4 of them 1 every week and a half. Water will come out at about 10ppm. Hands down the best thing to do if your doing hydro. The water is cheap and has almost no contaminants, the ph is also balanced at about 6.8. Cannot go wrong with this system.


Well-Known Member
As SS says post more info. I personally use well water that comes out at 200ish tds and 7.3 ph. I adjust accordingly and have never lost a run knock wood. I think buying water would be a last resort IMO.


Well-Known Member
my water is 750ppm 7.0 ph an my plants thrive . but i do save rainwater and supplement ... my rain 11ppm


Well-Known Member
The solution to your problem is to grow in soil, until you are proficient in the dynamics of pH, ppm, and water temp, and the effects they all have on plants.


New Member
so your growing in a dwc system using peat moss as your medium? I would have to say its the peat that is reeking havoc on you ppm and ph. I highly doubt you have issues with your water. Personally I would use either hydrotons of rockwool as your medium. Its not your water killing your plants its your set up. JAS

Mr John

Active Member
Yea isnt that peat moss highly acidic?? That's got to be your problem, what little I have learned so far is that peat moss is not a growing medium. It is meant to be turned/mixed into soil.